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What could have been...


Holy Simp
Taylor Swift -

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@Zem [Novaselinenever] has been banned by [StrictAl]! her role was:​

what is this hoe shit? novas passed his will more to me than to noctis. noctis just was the most notorious thief, me and novas are more on a wavelength than any other, that's some hoe shit and blasphemy :endthis:thieves gonna be thieves, and they do all to take a piece of the cake


There's no "Tina!"
it fucked over both town and scum

took away the ability to lynch
and the night to kill
fits an indie to me
someone have him killed pls.
Tbh, I agree with Lanji here^

Even if we assume Krogo did not skip the night, If Mafia really used their ability to save krogo, then fucking their night so that we tunnel again on Krogo would be the ideal situation for them. Mafia already fucked our last lynch, and making us waste another on an Indie would be even better for them.

But, unfortunately, Krogo as much as he wants to have fun, fucked with a possibly town friendly indie and he can't be given a pass for this. Chaos indies are also good lynch targets because the don't help filter the bullshit out in the day phase since they add their own.
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