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Ghost Princess
@MangoSenpai [Queen] has been lynched. His role was:
@MangoSenpai – You are Queen!

[Passive - The Rise of Scum Queen] - Queen had to start from somewhere before she became known as the prestigious Scum Queen. She starts off investigating [Innocent] to cops and is immune to poisonings. She is also bulletproof.
--- [The Queen Always Leaves Her Mark] - Even if her kill fails, Queen always finds a way to pose danger to her target. If the kill fails, the target will have half of their abilities be disabled for 2 cycles.
--- [Only Getting Scummier] - If Queen successfully performs a faction kill, she will gain a buff. If she successfully performs twice in a row, she'll get another buff. A third time in a row will give her one last buff.

[Passive - Strategic Mastermind] - Queen is a tactician. Her 200 IQ plans go beyond mere strategy. As such, her actions will always find their target.
--- [Big Brain] - Queen is someone capable of figuring things out with even the vaguest of details at her disposal. If she correctly guesses the flavor name of x-player then she will steal a random active ability of theirs to use unconditionally. [4-shots]

[Passive - Carrying the Whole Team] - In times of crisis among her team, Queen will put the whole team on her back and carry them to the promised land. If she is the last member of her mafia team, her faction kills will be super-kills.

[Active - Art of the Fake Claim] - Queen has refined her skills for fake claiming all the way to the point where now she can even make others appear as what they are not. She may target a player to and tracker/watcher results on them will be tampered with. If tracked, they'll be seen visiting a player who has died that night. If a watcher watches a dead player, they'll appear in those watcher results. [1-Cycle Cooldown]

[Active - Roasting Marimo] - Queen never misses the opportunity to roast Marimo. During the day, Queen may write a quick roast at Marimo(the user) and the host will broadcast it anonymously to the game thread. If two players laugh at the write-up in any shape or form, Queen will gain the power to role block two targets the following night. [3-shots]

[Active - The Quiet One] - Queen is generally known as a quiet player, not saying much during day phases. She may target a player during the night to infect them with her quietness. That player will role-crushed and silenced from all chats and the game thread for one cycle. Queen herself will also be silenced but not role-crushed. [1-shot]
--- [Make Her Talk] -
When she has become too quiet, they need to make her talk! After expending her shot of [The Quiet One], Queen may post at least 50 times in the next day phase(don’t spam) and she will gain death immunity for one cycle.

[Active - Lynchpin] - As one of the originators of the lynchpin, Queen has gained the power of the pin. During N0, she must label a player in the game as the lynchpin. If that player is lynched, their role will be janitored and she will learn the full role.

Money - 10,000 Yul.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Scum Empire
Gathering of Captains!

A captain meeting has been called! Captains of each squad --

@Trollji The Wizard King
@Flower from Golden Dawn!
@TheAncientCenturion from Crimson Lion Kings!
@Zem from Blue Rose!
@Typo from Silver Eagles!
@Missy from Black Bulls!
@Lindltaylor from Fruit Magic Knight Squad of the Holy Fruitty Empire!

may discuss in the thread during the night phase and decide on a night lynch.

Captains have 20 hours to discuss.

It is now Night 4.
You have 20 hours to submit your actions.
(A 4 hours Dawn phase will follow)
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