[FNZ] Role Madness Season 2 Unofficial- Dragon ball Z

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No dude... that's a bike...!!
lots of the stuff i do doesnt make sense at face value, but its usually just there to cause massive confusion for town

i dont think i'll ever play quiet as scum. i'm sure i post less as town honestly.

im glad i got away with it this time lol
was trying to deep wolf midnight into town pool and create a mislynch on rej

i wanted to create this tension feeling that someone targeted rej with an ability but not reveal what it is until someone say they targeted him. but ofc none will say they did cuz its all faked

then i would reveal that the ability was a protective ability and all of sudden rej insta shoots up as scum read for everyone

and finally midnight played his role really well by sliding in and saying he used that ability and he even went further and claimed non hostile indie which made him very believable given i confirmed him with my ability

this was all orchestrated and planned by us to frame rej and get midnight free town read. he did rly good there.

so midnight went into town pool and rej became a scum read. it worked out decently well tho i hoped rej wud get lynched day 2 cuz of it tbh.

i did not understand the udell lynch at all lol. i was off that EoD and when i came bk i was surprised.
You wanted to put Midnight in the town pool and put Rej in the scum pool but what you did was the opposite because that did not make me town read Midnight and instead it just only made me town read you lol.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
You wanted to put Midnight in the town pool and put Rej in the scum pool but what you did was the opposite because that did not make me town read Midnight and instead it just only made me town read you lol.
it didnt go 100% as planned cuz rej didnt flip lol
had rej flipped town day 2 then midnight would get town read with me
thoughts on setup, I do prefer simple abilities so I do like the abilities here. My favorite role is the Piccolo role. Would agree to make it 3 mafia since 2 indies are already present in the game. I normally can't judge on balancing until I see a playthrough of it.

Even though it is scum favored, town did have a chance to win but would require a lot more effort. Town MVP for me would be Rej for me despite the inactivity. Had good reads, couldn't push it to the end due to scum pushing back onto him. (and beta last I checked)
thoughts on setup, I do prefer simple abilities so I do like the abilities here. My favorite role is the Piccolo role. Would agree to make it 3 mafia since 2 indies are already present in the game. I normally can't judge on balancing until I see a playthrough of it.

Even though it is scum favored, town did have a chance to win but would require a lot more effort. Town MVP for me would be Rej for me despite the inactivity. Had good reads, couldn't push it to the end due to scum pushing back onto him. (and beta last I checked)
Tbh, If Tris was town we could have lost. Due to her vote manipulation and Protection

I was actually worried she and Beta could turn the tides the last second

And I am not sure if either Gram or Rej could be blamed for Town defeat. Gram couldn't have known that I had already used my only night Ability so RBing me was pointless and Rej just couldn't start a Bandwagon on Gambit due to the fact that we and Queen and Tris more or less controlled the conversation

The only major mistakes town made were Juliet being shot and Drago's lynch and Mango's gameplay (sorry Mango, but it's true)

It was a Combination of there being like one too many Scum roles and the fact that We played pretty unorthodox for mafia, nobody was able to tell that me Usopp and Gambit and Knight were one team.


Holy Simp
I hope mafia sees this as a free win.

Also you guys should learn about a key rule in mafia.

The game has to atleast be as long as there are mafia members. The number of mislynches allowed has to be equal to the members of mafia.

So if there is 4 members of mafia then town shall be allowed 4 mislynches. This is a golden rule in setup creation.


Holy Simp
Queen isn't even a Mislynch tbh
Two Mislynches and one wrong vig(Juliet being killed) more or less killed Town
Yes we shouldnt blame anyone. I just want to tell people that there is such a golden rule and that its super easy to follow that one.

Recently it hasnt been followed alot. Its okay to have games here and there that dont follow the golden rule of balancement. I just hope future games will follow it more frequently.

My games do all follow these to a certain degree.
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