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The End and the Beginning
He shooting Nana...Hope that u guys r not mad at me for this..
Wait, why? I'm in the middle of talking with her. I really feel like I can get to the bottom of her alignment, you just need to communicate with her in a certain way is the profile I'm using for her. Well, I hope she flips scum, but honestly I was feeling more townie frustration from her posts than not.
I'm Jimmy Neutron
I've passive of live with 3 votes on me per phase.
I have ability to Role block
Ability to power up and power drain
Other ability is related to diving in layer

I've some inventions
I give 1 to Mango sampai which RB their visitor
Second one i gave it today to someone which will help them to find something

However whenever I give item to someone..
Something bad happen to town only
Town block
Town vote silence
Town kill

If town kill happen i awaken one useful ability.

I also used competition ability , so I'll win this competition (one shot)
You didn't mention that you can track people here


Yes Muugen was caught lying.

While he was being questioned he said he didn't send in actions D1, seemed legit right because he was gone a lot because he had his surgery. No possible way he could have sent in the action.

Then when his death was unavoidable he changed it to he did try to disable my passives in D1, which I believe the action was actually sent from the role because I did get the one shot.

That is how I knew they would try to kill me that night and they thought they had my passives disabled, so I told the delve chat that night someone was going to try to kill me. LIkely where michelle caught onto it and healed me.

The only attack that night that came my way was Ekkos.
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