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Year of the black beard!
Rej we have Tris hinting that she is JigglyPuff. Like she at least isn’t denying it.

So if you claim to be JigglyPuff then you should assume that Tris is lying here, right?

Are you saying that Lanji got a wrong invest or what?
No. Tris did not claim jigglypuff, she just isnt denying it. She did no lie, she pokerfaced. If she explicitly claimed jigglypuff and Lanji has another invest, then she is lying.


There's no "Tina!"
No. Tris did not claim jigglypuff, she just isnt denying it. She did no lie, she pokerfaced. If she explicitly claimed jigglypuff and Lanji has another invest, then she is lying.
To Rej’s credit Yae did say this:

I won't confirm or deny anything.

But I don't know who controlled me. Could have been an indie too. My action just showed up even though I didn't submit anything.
I’ve never claimed my role though.
Yae Lanji got JigglyPuff on Rej. What do you think?


There's no "Tina!"
So Lanji got redirected from Rej to Yae to get JugglyPuff but if I’m understanding what’s rej is hunting. But neither of them are saying anything regarding the other lol.
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