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Arbiter of Truth
Note 2 - The phase ended at 9:30 a.m EST time-stamp wise, any action submitted after its end can not be processed.
@Ekkologix @oddoddfruit

This is where it says day ended.
Light - Jinri > Nana
Gram - Xlaw
Fuji - Xlaw
Ultra - Xlaw > Zem > Nana
Kiwi - Rayan
Ryu - Zem - Xlaw - nana
(dead) Jinri - Ratchet
Naomi - Xlaw > Nana
Mango - Ekko > Xlaw > Prof > Nana - Xlaw
Lind - Xlaw > Zem > Jinri
Hayumi - Xlaw > Zem > Xlaw
Xlaw - Zemmi > * > Zemmi > Nana
Ekko - Xlaw > Zem > Light > Prof > Nana - Xlaw
Flowa - Jinri > Nana > Flower > Nana - Xlaw - nana - Xlaw
Salah - Light
Noctis - Rej
Cinera - Xlaw
Juliet - Nana
Rej - Nana
Kvo - Nana
Lanji - Rej
Sallu - Xlaw
Sigis - Nana

Nana - 9
Xlaw - 8

This should be the count at the time of the DP being hammered (unless I missed something)


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Could be an indie - look I have no idea.

It might've been just a big plot for something else.

Maybe they just wanted to stop the day to stop someone from discussing someone else. I do not know
whatever lol
who do u propose rn ?
ill wait till disc chats r open

nana will remain a distraction for rest of the game. need to get rid of that slot one time or another
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