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What could have been...
gram suspected her and died
odd suspected mango and died

those ppl wud of helped me out today but all died

whoever shot me must be towny, because i was a free lynch. no way mafia shoots me

also whoever undoed the adam revive must be towny too, else again why wud mafia do that
bort--you oppurtunist..worse. so not changing my read after you did that stunt
notice how u didn't even explain the reasons why I am even suspecting you? yet just straight up go on the offensive at me?

mango already consumed my extra 2 lives items

the 2 other kills werent needed. any super will kill me. i only had a regular bulletproof
3 lives, bulletproof, as a fucking guardian angel town, yep.


When were you under the impression this game is..
I truly dont like the ''I would never do this thing as scum or I said this'' WIFOM defense, its annoying.

Why would scum keep trying to kill a winconless Indie who ''lost''********.
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