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It‘s literally Juliet, Worst, Naomi or Prof?

The Tally, and ELI5


The Partnerships:

The Abyss -
  • It has 7 sections called Layers.
  • Each layer affect you differently, and has its own artifacts hidden.
  • The first 5 sections are open. Going past the 5th require a White Whistle to open the entrance.
Delving & Ranking -
  • You canvass/delve during the day when posting in the game thread.
  • At night, you choose which section (Layer) to go to the following day. And with who, 2 other people max (optional).
  • During the day, you canvass the section you chose to go to. Artifacts are hidden behind posts, posting on them trigger an attempt to catch one. Your proficiency depends on the Artifact strength and your strength (ranking).
  • Delving and succesfully catching artifacts makes you rank up.
  • Each rank has a depth limit, keeping to it makes you only suffer normal effects, and good chances to catch artifacts.
Effects of the Curse -
  • Each layer afflicts you with a curse.
  • Strain of Ascents = Effects. Former is flavor, latter is actual Mafia effects of those strains when it comes to the game.
  • The strength of it depends on the layer, and your ranking.
  • Delving at your depth limit make you suffer the normal effects.
  • Delving before it makes you suffer nothing.
  • Delving more than your depth limit makes you suffer stronger effects than normal.
  • The bigger difference between your ranking depth limit, and where you go, the stronger the amplification is.
Ex: Moon Whistle has a 3 Layer limit.​
  • If they delve in the 3rd Layer, they'll suffer the normal effects --> Random redirecting of abilities
  • If they delve at the 2nd Layer, they'll suffer no effects --> No vote loss
  • If they delve at the 4th Layer, they'll suffer amplified effects --> Amplified "Role-crush for a cycle".
Frequently Asked Questions -
  • How To Form Parties? - During a day, find 2 people willing to delve with you and plan a layer to go for the next day. That night, submit the layer and their names. If all 3 have the same actions, it'll be formed.
  • Can I dive solo? - Yes, you can.
  • How Do Seeker Camp Work? - All players visiting a layer will get an invite to a chat specific to that layer at the EoD. They may accept or decline.
  • Why does it say that only White Whistle can delve to the 5th Layer? - Due to its curse on non-white whistles, which will get amplified. One can try to challenge it, it's open unlike the last 2.
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