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ok, oopsie daisy, nova is prob shaking loling at me.... from lanji wu check...

lanji failed killed twice
illuminated used ?? on worst,kvothe
orange peel used ?? on odd,monkeydluffy, and ??? and also random asshole.

oh i think i found that one......

Illuminati used ?? on Ekko

Illuminati used ?? on Ekko

Illuminati used ?? to negate @Flowa's revival.

Illuminati used [Core Phantom Genie] to super-kill the RippedCal but failed


Mango apparently knows that Worst is red mafia here. I saw him mention that earlier.

I still don’t know why red mafia would send a lynch redirect to Lanji when he was purple. You might be getting played here.
As i said, it doesn't matter, i'm just sharing what i received
Whether they are trying to play me or not, i can't benefit them with anything
They can neither lynch me nor redirect it, nor am i scum, so won't vote with them
So all of these are fake names like the previous one? Then scum are most likely disguising themselves to appear as other roles.

i think this was also confirmed with the T-Pein orange peel town flip. What’s your read of Salah and his weird message?

more, i can't find my earlier post, did you see this

mango kill failed twice super kill by red mafia
decim used ?? on kvoth and worst
Illuminati activated ?? on cinera
Sung Jin Woo used Dragon Fear on Ryu Kishi and Ratchet
blackpink target again

Cell used [Demon Eye] on UwU, and [Mind Investigation] on Borto and RippedCal

Darkling used [???] on [Kvothe]



There's no "Tina!"
more, i can't find my earlier post, did you see this

mango kill failed twice super kill by red mafia
decim used ?? on kvoth and worst
Illuminati activated ?? on cinera
Sung Jin Woo used Dragon Fear on Ryu Kishi and Ratchet
blackpink target again

Cell used [Demon Eye] on UwU, and [Mind Investigation] on Borto and RippedCal

Darkling used [???] on [Kvothe]

Why is cell targeting Borto? Cal is a good target. I think Cal is most likely scum here tbh.
fucking plebians taking “geniune” over fucking mechanics
I know who is using Oden and I know for a fact the source of that super kill didn’t come from a town. So he is tanked a freaking super-kill coming from non-town, he fucking lied about his lame passive
It’s me vs Salah now. Though I prefer we lynch lind and keep Salah as secondary lynch
@Salah WG Was this ever addressed? It says here you lied about your passive. From the way I am reading this Borto said you tanked a super kill from someone who is not town.
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