Nice, so others can lie however they like, but me hiding my immunity from scum is big red flag
@Underworld Broker i already said i had to ask host if such actions also don't work on me, and how would i know that u are gonna invest me last DP? lol
Even today, you simply said that you're waiting for the results, didn't even ask me if i have immunity or not.
Not to mention that you targeted me twice even though u got innocent, what a nice fiction
And if town bothered to check your posts, u mentioned me like 10 times asking others about me
It's obvious that this lynch was always planned, since my role name was faked in WUs, does town expect the person who faked being Caligula in some actions to not want players to suspect the real Caligula? lol
Anyway, my list of targets is getting bigger & bigger, i just hope time is on my side this game to kill most of them