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Arbiter of Truth
@Fujishiro i taunted him when he was online, cause action to fail, i saw failed sk in same time i sent it to him and he online. i role crushed him two time past immunities. he still visited someone.. i told oreki i target him...oh look i can't check destroyer abilities since it got changed to des oreki messed with me and lied.

then later i sent kill shot to him, and he survived

so nocis,destroyer

scum lean for this.

I also know noctis never visited me even though he claimed he would refill me

Arondight did it lol.

Arondight been afk since the start of the game, Its a bit angleshooty but he's probably scum that Nova doesnt wanna modkill and is letting his mates use his abilities.
i directed him to destroyer last night from 1 shot i got from checking abilities from rc destroyer target that noctis changed for me, when i told him i can check my targets abilities.. noctis... so annoyed

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