[Passive - Special Grimoire] - Immune to redirects and actions will find the target
[Passive - Precognition] - See visitors
[Restoration] - Refill 2-shot
[Decelaration] - lower an incoming attack by one stage
[Accelaration] - Double action
[Aging Spell] - Once in a game SK
[Chrono Stasis] - Steal the vote power of 2 posts
[Chrono Stasis Grigora] - Stop 3 player's actions from targetting him
[Time Annhilation] - SK and undo every action (D4 onward)[1-shot]
[Passive - Precognition] - See visitors
[Restoration] - Refill 2-shot
[Decelaration] - lower an incoming attack by one stage
[Accelaration] - Double action
[Aging Spell] - Once in a game SK
[Chrono Stasis] - Steal the vote power of 2 posts
[Chrono Stasis Grigora] - Stop 3 player's actions from targetting him
[Time Annhilation] - SK and undo every action (D4 onward)[1-shot]