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AL sama

Red Haired
I tried catching up but I cant clinge to mobile at work that much. I read like 3 or 4 pages and 10 new ones popped up so you guys will have to deal with gamberu 101s for now.

How did Rej Jabami join the council? This was a calculated gamberu from my side.
There were enough candidates offering themselves for the cause of being voted. Each individual now has decisions to make:
Will they vote people that advertise for themselves and take a side? Will they vote a friend? Or an underdog?

The answer is simple and brilliant because of the D0 mechanic we spent enough time on those that advertise themselves. So your first vote usually goes to someone you decide to side with based on D0 threadplay and advertisement. Your second vote will need to be more beneficial because you throw away benefits voting for someone else. Vote 2 most of the time is a self vote, a partner vote or a friend vote. Believe me I was never the first nor the second vote. I placed all my bets on the third vote...the filler vote or the underdog vote.
By entertaining the thread and abstaining from troubles I made myself a candidate to take the third vote. This was uniktended from the start but I always knew it was an option and to my surprise, I was right. There is even a chance that I have the highest ammount of vote nr 3 which would make me the primary underdog in the council.

So to everyone who voted me: you got played hard, but I am still thanking you, for the cause of town and for the cause of gamberu - you guys made no mistake.

:insert a nutting yumeko gif cuz I am on mobile:
oh yeah?? give some serious reads of yours rej
I am not sure how you are latching on to this and brushing off Muugen. Blue is popular, friendly, and had about 5 times as many posts. Its not at all necessary mafia had their thumb on the scale for him, even if you suspect him.
Muugen is Muugen he would get votes even if he was caught with 3 Romanian hookers

Plus i dont see whats the issue with inquiring a posiblity if you have a hunch about it. If i am wrong i am wrong and we move on. If i am right great for us
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