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I haven’t read the last 150+ pages so I wouldn’t know if you brought it up again. Just trying to see if you progressed that tinfoil/thought/were still throwing it around.

Every time you’re scum I feel like you soft throw shade/pokes my way. After the death note game I basically put it down as a scum tell for you bc I let it slide that game due to your L claim even tho it ping’d me there.
Your leader never pushes really hard, regardless of alignment.

Never fear!


Just got my abilities, I can post and vote with the council
Are you asking me if I believe Ekko could be scum, you haven't been reading any of my posts. I think it's more likely or not, I have pointed out several things about his current style I am not a fan of.

It also really bugged me when we were talking about the council, he said he suspected Muu but went out of his way to distance himself from the idea it was because he was on council, which is what had most people suspicious.

I was trying so hard to word that earlier and the words just didn't fit but I think people caught onto what I was saying. Distancing was the word I was looking.
But you will try to catch up. This just sounds like an excuse for you to always be behind. How about you just participate and worry about "catching up" as you post?
No I probably won’t try to catch up lol. I’ll stick to ISO’s for the rest of this phase if I want to go back. If anything worth reading happened then I’ll read that but it’s physically not possible to catch up to this thread when it’s moving.


@Baba idk why your quote got fucked there. but you asked tiff why i was voting here it was a soft push in her direction about something i did which she also didnt even consider as a legit vote cause read between the lines.


hmm i am interested mango

you ever care to give reasonings or explaining yourself pupperino
Because Muugen's biggest combatant is now silenced which now greatly reduces his chances of getting lynched in this phase. He could very well be framed too, but yeah, it makes Muugen look worse. Scum silenced Ultra and that scum is either framing Muu or it's his buddies trying to save him. Could have been Muu himself but I don't think that's as likely as the other two.
I'll make my case on you during the council meeting, don't worry.
Imagine getting your ego shattered over an internet game that you carry the hate you have for yourself onto others and continuously do the same asinine shit every time we play together. Grow the fuck up and get some real help maybe you shouldn’t worry about nick and start focusing on yourself.

I’ve already had enough of your bullshit go buddy up with Uchi and post IRL OOC videos on how much you fucking hate me cause honestly you ain’t shit not in the mafia world nor outside of these forums.

you’re a straight bitch.
this is a bit much


I actually have none. I would have to go back and read his posts because he isn't one of the people I have been focusing on. I am in no shape to do that right now though but I can before the end of the phase.

I asked earlier but does anyone have a vote count?
Read my case on him.

Lind did.
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