what out of context, i may have bad english but isnt this what u clearly meant:
obvious filler. useless post
there was no context at the time naomi
midnight replied to odd randomly after 4 whole hours. 50+ whole pages in the middle
odd had to explain to us what the context was cuz we wud never of guessed that, so what do u expect of us there?
ur just being opportunistic about it and trying use this as a way to develop scum reads on those voting odd, without actually addressing odd/midnight yourself.
the correct play is to give ur full thoughts on mid/odd first, but u dont do that. u instead enter the thread just saying "
so delve mention odd reference and midnight made it seem like odd slipped.
", and immedietly try to find the scum in odd's voters without even attempting to solve mid/odd before hand and give proper thoughts on them
this, this right here, is an agenda entrance. u entered the thread with clear goal on mind to cast doubt on odd's voters.
here u said hayumi reminds u of "there" scum play, assuming u meant "their" scum play (because "there" does not make sense in that sentense, so i asked you when did you play with scum hayumi to make that judgement? and u avoided the question 4 times now, clearly showing me you have no asnwer to it, so your read is basically made up and have no value to it. a fake read per se.
i, eren yeager, therefore accuse you of scum
[vote lynch naomi]
follow me into battle, fellow yeagerists
@Dragomir @Lindltaylor @Ultra @Zemmi @T-Pein™ @MangoSenpai @Hayumi
so delve mention odd reference and midnight made it seem like odd slipped.

then as follow they formed a fast train on odd, as they took midnight response out of context,and voted.
midnight replied to odd randomly after 4 whole hours. 50+ whole pages in the middle
odd had to explain to us what the context was cuz we wud never of guessed that, so what do u expect of us there?
ur just being opportunistic about it and trying use this as a way to develop scum reads on those voting odd, without actually addressing odd/midnight yourself.
the correct play is to give ur full thoughts on mid/odd first, but u dont do that. u instead enter the thread just saying "
so delve mention odd reference and midnight made it seem like odd slipped.

this, this right here, is an agenda entrance. u entered the thread with clear goal on mind to cast doubt on odd's voters.
hayumi---to be honest there play reminds me of there scum play
jinri scum
ultra-flip flopping votes....looks bad.
flowa-odd . that was scummy!!?
hayumi---to be honest there play reminds me of there scum play
jinri scum
ultra-flip flopping votes....looks bad.

flowa-odd . that was scummy!!?

i, eren yeager, therefore accuse you of scum
[vote lynch naomi]
follow me into battle, fellow yeagerists
@Dragomir @Lindltaylor @Ultra @Zemmi @T-Pein™ @MangoSenpai @Hayumi