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What could have been...
what out of context, i may have bad english but isnt this what u clearly meant:

so delve mention odd reference and midnight made it seem like odd slipped.
obvious filler. useless post

then as follow they formed a fast train on odd, as they took midnight response out of context,and voted.
there was no context at the time naomi
midnight replied to odd randomly after 4 whole hours. 50+ whole pages in the middle
odd had to explain to us what the context was cuz we wud never of guessed that, so what do u expect of us there?

ur just being opportunistic about it and trying use this as a way to develop scum reads on those voting odd, without actually addressing odd/midnight yourself.

the correct play is to give ur full thoughts on mid/odd first, but u dont do that. u instead enter the thread just saying "
so delve mention odd reference and midnight made it seem like odd slipped.
:brootea:", and immedietly try to find the scum in odd's voters without even attempting to solve mid/odd before hand and give proper thoughts on them

this, this right here, is an agenda entrance. u entered the thread with clear goal on mind to cast doubt on odd's voters.

hayumi---to be honest there play reminds me of there scum play
jinri scum
ultra-flip flopping votes....looks bad.
flowa-odd . that was scummy!!? :luffywat:
here u said hayumi reminds u of "there" scum play, assuming u meant "their" scum play (because "there" does not make sense in that sentense, so i asked you when did you play with scum hayumi to make that judgement? and u avoided the question 4 times now, clearly showing me you have no asnwer to it, so your read is basically made up and have no value to it. a fake read per se.

i, eren yeager, therefore accuse you of scum

[vote lynch naomi]

follow me into battle, fellow yeagerists
@Dragomir @Lindltaylor @Ultra @Zemmi @T-Pein™ @MangoSenpai @Hayumi

what out of context, i may have bad english but isnt this what u clearly meant:

obvious filler. useless post

there was no context at the time naomi
midnight replied to odd randomly after 4 whole hours. 50+ whole pages in the middle
odd had to explain to us what the context was cuz we wud never of guessed that, so what do u expect of us there?

ur just being opportunistic about it and trying use this as a way to develop scum reads on those voting odd, without actually addressing odd/midnight yourself.

the correct play is to give ur full thoughts on mid/odd first, but u dont do that. u instead enter the thread just saying "
so delve mention odd reference and midnight made it seem like odd slipped.
:brootea:", and immedietly try to find the scum in odd's voters without even attempting to solve mid/odd before hand and give proper thoughts on them

this, this right here, is an agenda entrance. u entered the thread with clear goal on mind to cast doubt on odd's voters.

here u said hayumi reminds u of "there" scum play, assuming u meant "their" scum play (because "there" does not make sense in that sentense, so i asked you when did you play with scum hayumi to make that judgement? and u avoided the question 4 times now, clearly showing me you have no asnwer to it, so your read is basically made up and have no value to it. a fake read per se.

i, eren yeager, therefore accuse you of scum

[vote lynch naomi]

follow me into battle, fellow yeagerists
@Dragomir @Lindltaylor @Ultra @Zemmi @T-Pein™ @MangoSenpai @Hayumi

I didn't read, because above is stupid

@Midnight Delight remember to post clown/fool gif to above special person. in case anything happens to me!
I don't think I have seen her post anything, if so I have missed it.
she been going back reading blue post, said she caught blue lieing about him not stating he has no role, even though he claimed before. which leans more of juliet smelling blood/from other players who do not match up to what they said previous.

she also claimed she sent action, but it did not show up, along with al.


So about this Beky vs Al stuff. Al shot Beky but Beky denies it. Someone's lying. It's pretty obvious who I'd side with here considering my strong suspicion of Beky. And when you think about it, Al lying is an extremely low chance. It makes perfect sense why he would shoot him. At worst, this is scum vs scum where Al knows Beky's scum and is trying to get some cred, but if that was the play, I'd expect Al to claim an invest action, not vig.

It's possible that they're both town, but that would mean Al's got interfered by either someone else or the mechanics. Idk how the hell the mechanics would interfere with his action so I won't even entertain that thought. If it's someone else, then that begs the question, why? I don't recall Al making any indication to shoot Beky or even hinting at his role so why would scum perform such an action on him? Why would a townie or an indie do that? I fail to see any motivation behind this.

In conclusion, Beky scum, Al town. Considering the fact that there's a high chance that one of these two is lying, we must lynch either one of them. That person's gonna have to be Beky.

Vote Lynch Adam 🍎


she been going back reading blue post, said she caught blue lieing about him not stating he has no role, even though he claimed before. which leans more of juliet smelling blood/from other players who do not match up to what they said previous.

she also claimed she sent action, but it did not show up, along with al.
Can I ask you a question?

Why do you worry so much about how I read her?


what out of context, i may have bad english but isnt this what u clearly meant:

obvious filler. useless post

there was no context at the time naomi
midnight replied to odd randomly after 4 whole hours. 50+ whole pages in the middle
odd had to explain to us what the context was cuz we wud never of guessed that, so what do u expect of us there?

ur just being opportunistic about it and trying use this as a way to develop scum reads on those voting odd, without actually addressing odd/midnight yourself.

the correct play is to give ur full thoughts on mid/odd first, but u dont do that. u instead enter the thread just saying "
so delve mention odd reference and midnight made it seem like odd slipped.
:brootea:", and immedietly try to find the scum in odd's voters without even attempting to solve mid/odd before hand and give proper thoughts on them

this, this right here, is an agenda entrance. u entered the thread with clear goal on mind to cast doubt on odd's voters.

here u said hayumi reminds u of "there" scum play, assuming u meant "their" scum play (because "there" does not make sense in that sentense, so i asked you when did you play with scum hayumi to make that judgement? and u avoided the question 4 times now, clearly showing me you have no asnwer to it, so your read is basically made up and have no value to it. a fake read per se.

i, eren yeager, therefore accuse you of scum

[vote lynch naomi]

follow me into battle, fellow yeagerists
@Dragomir @Lindltaylor @Ultra @Zemmi @T-Pein™ @MangoSenpai @Hayumi

We're not lynching Naomi lolololol.


So about this Beky vs Al stuff. Al shot Beky but Beky denies it. Someone's lying. It's pretty obvious who I'd side with here considering my strong suspicion of Beky. And when you think about it, Al lying is an extremely low chance. It makes perfect sense why he would shoot him. At worst, this is scum vs scum where Al knows Beky's scum and is trying to get some cred, but if that was the play, I'd expect Al to claim an invest action, not vig.

It's possible that they're both town, but that would mean Al's got interfered by either someone else or the mechanics. Idk how the hell the mechanics would interfere with his action so I won't even entertain that thought. If it's someone else, then that begs the question, why? I don't recall Al making any indication to shoot Beky or even hinting at his role so why would scum perform such an action on him? Why would a townie or an indie do that? I fail to see any motivation behind this.

In conclusion, Beky scum, Al town. Considering the fact that there's a high chance that one of these two is lying, we must lynch either one of them. That person's gonna have to be Beky.

Vote Lynch Adam 🍎
I will say I believe Al is 100% telling the truth, there is pretty much no doubt in my mind.


What could have been...
So about this Beky vs Al stuff. Al shot Beky but Beky denies it. Someone's lying. It's pretty obvious who I'd side with here considering my strong suspicion of Beky. And when you think about it, Al lying is an extremely low chance. It makes perfect sense why he would shoot him. At worst, this is scum vs scum where Al knows Beky's scum and is trying to get some cred, but if that was the play, I'd expect Al to claim an invest action, not vig.

It's possible that they're both town, but that would mean Al's got interfered by either someone else or the mechanics. Idk how the hell the mechanics would interfere with his action so I won't even entertain that thought. If it's someone else, then that begs the question, why? I don't recall Al making any indication to shoot Beky or even hinting at his role so why would scum perform such an action on him? Why would a townie or an indie do that? I fail to see any motivation behind this.

In conclusion, Beky scum, Al town. Considering the fact that there's a high chance that one of these two is lying, we must lynch either one of them. That person's gonna have to be Beky.

Vote Lynch Adam 🍎
i like this direction
i wonder why AL isnt pushing adam hard enough

@AL sama thoughts on this
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