"Annuit Coeptis, Novus ordo seclorum"
You are The Illuminati!
Delver Rank - Red Whistle
[Passive - Secret Baddies] - The Illuminati will have you believe they're a town member, however, they're definitely the ones running the show from behind. Any time a baddie kills someone else, it's always to their benefit of course. Part of the master plan. As such, they will receive ability from each player killed by Mafia at night, and any player lynched during the day.
[Passive - Shady] - Despite their attempts at secrecy, the Illuminati remain shady as fuck. It is all about cryptic symbols and pseudonyms. During the game, they may not talk about their role nor admit that they are a Town member at all.* Additionally, they must always incorporate cryptic messages in their posts. Failure to do so will leave them vulnerable to investigators, and they will show up as [Guilty].
*You do not have to claim to be non-town, you may claim not being scum, just don't admit to being the town
--- [From The Shadows] - The Illuminati never get their own dirty, that's not part of the playbook. Always use other people to bring someone down. The Illuminati may not vote against someone, and should never post first. They are immune to possession.
[Passive - Always Watching] - The eye is always watching, and with the help of their lapdogs at the NSA and CIA, the Illuminati will learn about the results of 2 random investigations each night. At the end of each cycle, they will also learn aboutt the identity of 3 roles that made it into the game.
[Active - Recruit] - In their quest of taking over the world, the Illuminati are looking for successful players to join their ranks. They have a very restrictive selection criterion to assess if theyβre the right fit. During each, they may target a player and recruit them into their secret society. They will only invite people that are amongst the top 15 posters alive in the game thread. Successful people. After the first successful recruit, a Discord private chat will be established for the group. They may discuss with each other there.
--- [Rituals] - Each new member will receive the same rules and they must abide by them in order to remain members, and...alive. They will receive a slight buff to their role, as well as a stipend of 3 gold coins.
--- [Contribution] - A cycle after joining, members must pay their dues and contribute to the ultimate plan. The Illuminati may control their actions during that phase, and choose their targets.
[Active - World Domination] - After recruiting their first member, the Illuminati are ready to put the plan into motion and take over the world.
--- [I Think Not] - If they're not pleased with the decision taken by the people, the Illuminati may make moves from the shadows and instead lynch another player. In order to not attract too many suspicions, they may only redirect the lynch to a player that has received 2 votes through the phase.
--- [Regime Change] - If you're not with them, you're against them. And you've got to go. At night, the Illuminati may target a player and kick them from the game. They will leave the game, and a new player will be brought in to take over their role. This will auto-recruit them into their secret society.
--- [Secretary Pick] - If they're not pleased with the performance of one of their lapdogs, the Illuminati may target a player and strip them of their role, giving them a role that wasn't present in the game instead. This will auto-recruit them into their secret society.
[Active - Silence] - The Illuminati can't afford for someone to get too close to the truth. Anytime a player casts a vote against them, they will obtain 1 action point. A vote on the final tally is equal to 5 action points. Using the appropriate number of action points, The Illuminati may target people that are sniffing around too much.
--- [5 Points] - To discover their allies, Illuminati may track a player. They will learn the identity of anyone they targeted that phase.
--- [5 Points] - Alternatively, Illuminati may send an FBI car to stalk their target's house. They will learn the identtiy of anyone visiting them.
--- [10 Points] - Illuminati may abduct a player in order to interrogate them. This will role-crush a player for a phase.
--- [15 Points] - Illuminati may target a player and eliminate them. This kill will be janitored.
--- [30 Points] - Illuminati may target a player and super-kill them. This kill will also be janitored, and Illuminati will not be privy of its results.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town