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When were you under the impression this game is..
On a side note I just had a miracle happen irl. We have pet snails and their eggs hatched, but sadly, they were all empty. We wanted to throw them away and clean everything up, but then we discovered one tiny baby snail which lived on a piece of salad trying to survive. We are so happy now <3.
He's the choosen one.


The End and the Beginning

"The Bull" says he has info on me, but in no way tries to convey that info, or asks me to claim. It seems your trying to imply it as a crutch to your terrible case on me. Go on, spit it out. I'm not going to get lynched short of you doing it after all, so if I'm a big bad wolf, it's probably worth whatever drawback there is to claiming.

I'm asking, no, BEGGING you to come out with info on me, despite nobody caring about what you are attempting to imply right now

Saying something is terrible does not make it true. Like I said - I could claim anything at this point without much consequence. Your position is illogical. It's fine, anyway. You probably won't get lynched today, but tomorrow maybe you will, and if I end up dead first you're done too, and if you flip first well we're all good. What's telling to me is how preoccupied you are with me bei g dead before you are. If you're town, then a town flip looks pretty awful for me even with me not having claimed anything(due to obvious restrictions), and you should be aware of this. But, you're not. Gasp! Could it be?
Saying something is terrible does not make it true. Like I said - I could claim anything at this point without much consequence. Your position is illogical. It's fine, anyway. You probably won't get lynched today, but tomorrow maybe you will, and if I end up dead first you're done too, and if you flip first well we're all good. What's telling to me is how preoccupied you are with me bei g dead before you are. If you're town, then a town flip looks pretty awful for me even with me not having claimed anything(due to obvious restrictions), and you should be aware of this. But, you're not. Gasp! Could it be?
You're saying a whole lot of nothing, which says a lot. Intriguing!
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