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If muu is inno council can do this

Emergency Meeting] - Anytime an [Innocent] player is mislynched, the Council will convene the following night, and take action

Also realized Lind been doing this.

Useful Weeb - Provided an accurate vote count when requested [2 coins
@Flowa your actions probably fail because of side effects of the abyss.
Too bad it’s council who is voting me to begin with
Shoot Muugen @novaselinenever

If you are town, Ill help avenge you. You just know this topic will get milked all day long.
You are a fake and a phony and I wish I never met you
The Cursed Weeb -

@Fujishiro has super-killed @MUUGEN [Mahito]

"The shape of the body is defined by the shape of the soul!"
You are Mahito!
Delver Rank - Red Whistle

[Passive - Special Grade] - As an unregistered special grade cursed spirit, Mahito possesses a vast amount of cursed energy. He is bulletproof, and only players that haven't received a vote during the day phase may affect him with their actions at night.
--- [Unregistered] - Mahito may not be tracked nor watched. He returns [No Results] on cop check, including role and flavor cops.
--- [Curse Spirit] - As a cursed spirit, Mahito has an affinity with cursed energy and as such, he is immune to the [Curse of the Abyss]. He may dive without being affected by it.
--- [Human Hatred] - Mahito considers himself the very manifestation of humans' hatred of each other. Anytime two players are voting against each other, he will gain an additional vote and they will become [Eligible] players for certain of his transfigurations.

[Passive - Adapatability] - Mahito has enormous potential, he is constantly learning and developing even in the midst of battle. Anytime one of Mahito's actions fails, he will develop an immunity against the reason of its failure and also become stronger as a result.
--- [Reflexes] - Mahito avoids the first negative action targeting him each cycle.

[Passive - Cursed Spirits] - Due to the vast amount of cursed energy present, it is very easy for cursed spirits to be manifested as a result of negative emotions. During the game, anytime an important number of players and heavy discussion about a character takes place, if that role hasn't made it into the game, it will be manifested as a cursed spirit possessing a full role and win-condition based on that submission.
--- [Disasters] - Any cursed spirit that was born from the fear of a certain submission will join Mahito in a neighbors chat, they will be able to chat with each other.
--- [Vengeful Spirits] - Those whose deaths are cursed have the possibility to have their spirit corrupted and transformed into a vengeful spirit...[Redacted]

[Passive - Traps] - Mahito is an extremely shrewd cursed spirit, able to quickly deduce if someone is following him. He will passively set traps around his first 5, and last 5 posts each day phase. Any player that posts before or after one of these posts will get marked. If a marked player visits him the following night, he will learn of their visit.
--- [Duel] - During the day, Mahito may challenge one of the marked players that visited him the previous night to get more information about them. They will play a best of three R/P/S games, and if he wins Mahito will steal their vote power and learn if they have an attacking ability.

[Active - Jujutsu] - Very adept at using cursed energy, Mahito's cursed technique grants him the ability to manipulate souls. It grants him the ability to distort the shape of souls and transfigure their respective bodies as a result. He can use this ability either on himself or on others. Each phase, he must choose if he will transfigure himself or target others. He may only transfigure people that he voted for during that cycle, including himself. Any player who has voted him during at least 6 hours of a phase, or by EoD, is immune to his transfigurations
--- [Idle Transfiguration] - Mahito can disfigure their target's body into something grotesque by warping their soul's shape with just a touch. During the day, he may target a player and disable their passive abilities for the remainder of the cycle.
--- [Transfigured Human] - At night, Mahito may target an eligible player and reshape their soul, transforming them into a body for him to use. He can redirect their actions to a target of his choice. Eligible players are ones that have received at least 2 votes in the final vote count of the previous day.
--- [Soul Multiplicity] - During the day, Mahito can target two players and merge their next actions into a single one. Both of their actions will fail, and the resulting action can be used by Mahito on a target of his choice. Alternatively, at night, Mahito may target two people and attempt to combine their souls. If they have the same alignment, they will gain a chat for the following phase and he will be informed about it.
--- [Soul Isomer] - At night, Mahito may target two eligible players and combine their souls into one body. Their actions will fail, and he can use the body to role-crush a target of his choice for that night and drain their vote the following phase. Eligible players are ones that have received at least 3 votes in the final vote count of the previous day.
--- [Patch] - At night, Mahito may target himself and heal his own wounds. He will heal himself from any ailments he's currently suffering from, as well as regenerate any ability that might have been stolen or destroyed. Twice, during the game, he may do the same for a target of his choice, however, this will count as a self-transfiguration and as such can't be used alongside non-self transfigurations.
--- [A Fucking Fish] - Mahito can turn himself into anything, including animals. Each cycle, Mahito may transfigure himself into a form of his choice and choose its effects. The effects must make a certain sense, and the host must approve them.
--- [Body pockets] - In each phase, Mahito may choose to completely transfigure one of his previous targets. If they are lynched or killed that cycle, he will janitor their role and keep their bodies in his pocket. Each body will retain of their old abilities as its only ability that Mahito may command. He may only have 2 bodies at all times. After janitoring for the first time, Mahito will start showing up as [Guilty] to cops. If he ends up janitoring a non-town player, it will count as killing on for the purpose of his transformation.
--- [Clone] - During the day, Mahito may self-transfigure himself and create a clone. His clone will appear under the form of a temporary player that he may gift to a person of her choice that isn’t part of the game. They will receive a role PM containing their role as Mahito's close, and they may take part in the game. A special chat will be created after the appearance of his first clone, and all subsequent clones will join it as well (if any). He has access to Mahito's techniques, however, they can only self-transfigure. They have full autonomy, however, he may kill a clone if they disobey him
--- [Instant Spirit: Body of Distorted Killing] - After killing or participating in the lynching of one [Guilty] player, Mahito will find the true essence of his soul enabling him to transform into this form. In this form, Mahito is super-bulletproof and immune to role-blocks. He can target a player and super-kill them. The form lasts a cycle, however, if he is attacked, he will immediately revert back. At the start of the game, he may only use it twice, however, for every [Guilty] player he kills or lynches, he will gain an additional shot. [2-shots]

[Active - Curtain] - At night, Mahito may create a barrier surrounding a certain area. He may target a player on the player's list and create a barrier encompassing the 4 people around them. It has two effects: it can be used to seal off the area, making it impossible for the 5 players in it to target people outside of it. Or, it can be used to make it impossible for outside people to target the 5 players. He may not use the same effect twice in a row.

[Active - Domain Expansion: Self-Embodiment of Perfection] - Mahito's Domain Expansion creates an environment where he is automatically connected with the souls of anyone inside and is capable of transfiguring them at will...[Redacted]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.
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