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Arbiter of Truth
So im gonna play devils advocate here

Lets say he were scum, or at least anti-town - what would he stand to gain from such bravado, especially if he walked it back shortly afterward?

If you were mafia, would you try and vote en masse to force one candidate in (who doesnt really have the in thread backing to justify it), or would you try and distribute your votes among your players? Im assuming being on the council offers good advantages, but surely whomever is elected to it needs good thread standing to wield any influence there?
A similar thing happened the last weeb game, a player got voted up from one of the scum teams to frame him.

It's not unheard of that a player would be voted up on the council without the seeming popularity to back it up.

However the opposite can also be said.

Since it's so obvious that they were not expected to be there, that people would think that he was put up there to be framed.

He himself allegedly said so himself according to what Ultra said.

I'm thinking it could go either way, as in the end it is mindgames. He does seem like the type to me that would definitely dare go for such a brazen play.



The End and the Beginning
Oh, theres always a reason. You can assume its a 'Day 1, make something happen' kind of reason
But this is what I don't understand. By your own admission, you haven't read most of the game. Why do you feel the need to do this, which is typically reserved for games without much else to read people from?
Are you going anywhere with it? Or is this some subtle Sagebee roleplay wherein you make yourself as difficult to communicate with as you possibly can?
Do not take the lords name in vain

I wouldnt say Im being difficult to communicate with, Ive just come to the conclusion that this would be the best way for me to immerse myself in the game and get some usable data in the meantime
So im gonna play devils advocate here

Lets say he were scum, or at least anti-town - what would he stand to gain from such bravado, especially if he walked it back shortly afterward?

If you were mafia, would you try and vote en masse to force one candidate in (who doesnt really have the in thread backing to justify it), or would you try and distribute your votes among your players? Im assuming being on the council offers good advantages, but surely whomever is elected to it needs good thread standing to wield any influence there?
Well, Muugen seemed confident he could pass himself off as a genuine candidate, given his initial responses. So he might have made an error in his calculations. I also forgot to mention we could only manage to track down two people who voted for him.

If I am mafia, the ideal situation is to have a member attract positive attention legitimately and bolster that. That's the best case scenario. Some have proposed that the mafia could put lemons on the council as well, but the problem with that argument is that it eats into the mafias collective vote power to put a townie on there. Furthermore, given the games size, it's likely we have splintered scum factions, so while they have good leverage idk if they can afford to waste it like that.

Importantly if you propose Muugen is being set up, that concedes that scum have an agenda to putting him there, and that's at least worth discussion. As it stands, it seems most likely he didn't earn his seat legitimately.


The End and the Beginning
Cause I either start playing at some point or just play the whole game in past tense and be useless to everyone
It's Day 1? How many games have all their information keyed up into the start of Day 1, wherein missing that puts one at a significant information disadvantage? Not too many, I'd wager.
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