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Arbiter of Truth
It's quite obvious that Jinri has converted Usopp to do her bidding, he's completely acting the same as Jinri. Mass voting, saying prayers and all that shit.
Jinri last voted on Usopp, and now he's like this.
I don't like this one bit.


Ghost Princess
Woah, which Asshole? No need for persoanl insults here, strictAL will rise from the grave if he sees this :afrokappa:
strictAL will threadban me :josad:
You guys know what happened if you see a message with Kiwi has rage quit and left the game

Whenever FLower says she doesn't like something, she secretly does.
The only fruit with no slave is you @Kiwipom 😔

Anyone wants to be my slave? I’m hiring!
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