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Does anyone know what the deal is with the ??? and ??? have been infected? It doesn't even mention the character and is this some mechanic? This looks alot like Covid since it talks about toilet paper and is this a cult recruiting? I could have sworn I saw somewhere Queen said she was infected.
Does anyone know what the deal is with the ??? and ??? have been infected? It doesn't even mention the character and is this some mechanic? This looks alot like Covid since it talks about toilet paper and is this a cult recruiting? I could have sworn I saw somewhere Queen said she was infected.
yes i'm infected and no no cult


What could have been...
I thought your untargettable thingy is a passive and activates automatically?
mhm ill avoid the first sht u throw and run. i wasent told which abilities will trigger it but i definitly assume a rolecrush or a kill will since they r dangerous. an investigstion shouldnt

it looks op but its very frustrating for me as well since i cant use abilities
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