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Lead them to paradise.
I agree with the check on Queen and I agree with what Naomi said about Queen at night. I'm also worried scum are the ones who are confirming players since this is what happened in the last Weeb game one of the scum players fake claimed an invest.
Hence checking Queen is the best way.
you want me to check ray?
By check what do you mean btw?


What could have been...
Tbf your mistrust is based entirely because I investigated you, you said you knew why it failed, then turned around and started gaslighting that I ever investigated you, because.... idk some random ass person couldn't possibly have subbed into a role with an investigation? Fuck if I know how you think.

And of course the post where I explained exactly why I had a problem with you, and why I pushed when I got the first failed result on you when conveniently ignored.

Never a peep about that. Never said anything as to my entire reasoning, I just couldn't be town for daring to question you at all, even when my intro statement was essentially"lol fuck reading 7k posts, let's wing it" so I had no idea who was town read or who did what.

Also I do show up in the night write ups, so no gaslighting "oh Kei is just a fake role who only shows up twice"
there is no gaslighting fam
u showing ur actions does not confirm u as town. we dont even know their targets and what they do

what i know is u tried to push a wagon on me when robin was being suspected. i take this as a derail attempt and is why i am suspecting u
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