Character Discussion Shanks and Mihawk in Relation to Kaido


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Yo Beautiful Worst Gen Users

Well this thread is nothing special but I am bored and wanna take my thoughts out.

Also, It's been a long time since I made a thread so bear me.

  • To de- link Kaido hype of world strongest pirate from dehype around Shanks and Mihawk.
    • Holds true with some modification for Akainu and Blackbeard as well but let's leave this for another day.
  • To establish shanks and Mihawk would end up getting portrayed stronger than Kaido.

Why the need?
  • To tone done unnecessary and over the board wank of Kaido.
  • Frequent habit of many to take feat or portrayal at face value disregarding the whole context laid down since the beginning.
Mihawk and Shanks are among most discussed characters so they don't need any introduction so let's begin

Character portrayal
Though their personality is quite different yet oda has established certain common traits.

A) introduced quite early in the beginning of the series and till this date they enjoy aura of mystery around them just like other important stuffs such as Will of D.

There are others who enjoyed this aura as well but for very limited time compare to them

B) Both of them got introduced with similar kind of nature - do not go all out unless situation seriously demands which persisted till this date.

  • Shanks got alcohol spilled over him but he simply laughed.
  • Mihawk at Baratie used pocket knife against zoro as he doesn't believe in going all out to hunt rabbits.

C) Care free and don't give a shit attitude but Men of Codes

Shanks - don't believe in chaos but in balance and peace.
"Listen up… You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me… You can even spit on me. I’ll just laugh that stuff off. But… Good reason or not… Nobody hurts a friend of mine"
  • only acted against bandits because they targeted Luffy someone whom he kinda considered a friend
  • Went on to warn WB to Stop Ace from going after Teach but didn't pursue the matter himself as Ace was not his crew member - Rules of the pirates

Mihawk- Code of Swordsmen
  • Took out his Black Sword to honour Zoro strong will. Even end up teaching him during TS after witnessing zoro's dedications and immense will power.
  • Participated in MF war but it's clear that he had no intention to fight WB pirates but just to see how much distance actually exist between WB and him.
  • And, even this further changed when Luffy appeared as he wanted to see whether Luffy really has fate helping him( prime reason why he didn't feel like fighting Vista anymore)

D) Inspirational
Only Top Tiers who have direct influence on two main protagonist.

  • Shanks inspired Luffy to become a pirate.
  • Mihawk Left zoro alive and inspired him to not give up his life but to get stronger.
Feats and hype
  • Their duels shook the whole Grand line.
  • WB called them as "The legend among the legends"

No one in one piece has such hype backing them up.

Shanks - Yonkou who clashed with WB and Kaido.
  • It's easy to start the war but hard to end it. One piece world is the world of strength. Shanks stopping that war involving Teach, WB pirates and Navy clearly speaks of his strength.

  • Clearly hyped as the World Strongest Swordsman both in actuality and entirety.
  • Only second Swordsman who had known to make his sword black which reflects his mastery over Armament.

What we can deduce from above?

  • Immense importance oda has attached to these two characters not only from the perspective of the two main protagonist but also from the story point of view.
  • Oda is keeping their strength and role in the story reserved till the end of one piece draws near which again highlights their importance especially when we consider that how early they got introduced.

How this debunks Kaido hype eclipsing Shanks and Mihawk?

A) Context of the Narration

Kaido hype of world strongest pirate comes from kidd and killer.

Now, I am not denying that it doesn't hype kaido. It does and big time but there is another perspective to see this hype.

This hype comes from kidd and killer. Both got rekt and tortured by kaido. Imo it's not their objective deduction but reflection of their fear. They haven't fought any top tier but only kaido.

Imagine you have phobia of heights. So, for you going at high attitude is the most fearful scenario. Same stands for kidd and killer.

They justified their loss to kaido out of their fear and defensive mechanisms thus portraying him the strongest pirate.

Oda will exploit this to hype other top tiers in future just like he hyped WB as World Strongest Man but made him not at his peak and after his death hypes next main villian kaido as Strongest Pirate.

And, as narration will move forward the next top tier in line would be hyped more and portrayed stronger which are common theme across shonen manga and quite obvious.

B) context of their hype/feat/portrayal
Both shanks and Mihawk has been shown to not using much of their strength which is clearly established by oda through their common traits and feats.

This generates the possibility that the reason Kaido enjoys world strongest pirate hype is not only because of his own strength but also because world hasn't seen both Mihawk and Shanks going all out at all.

Just to remind you that unlike kaido both also don't have chaotic personality but prefer peace and balance.

Kaido hype of world Strongest pirate is temporary and do not consider Shanks and mihawk full strength as they haven't gone all out at all nor prefer waging war.

So, it's clear at least to me that both shanks and mihawk (also Akainu and Blackbeard) would surpass Kaido hype and portrayal.

Thank you for reading.

Have a nice day

P.S Mihawk is still stronger than shanks through 😜


Law Nerd
Their relationship:
Mihawk > shanks kaido
This makes perfectly sense to me.

Shanks might not be weaker than Kaido given how Kaido rather chose not to engage Shanks in a war when the latter messed with his plan of reaching out Whitebeard. Kaido is not a man who would clinge on diplomacy so he allegedly decided to avoid that fight for other reasons. So I can overall see Shanks almost as powerful as Kaido at least. Specially when the other crew members should not have been more potent than the rest of the beast pirates overall.