Current Events Shanks fans should give up

In the next and final saga there will pretty much be chaos. If there are about 150 chapters left(after wano), then dragon, akainu, blackbeard, imu, loki and shanks all have to get some descent screen time. I wonder how oda is gonna achieve that.
I just really hope we wont see big mom again after wano.
What will shanks will play lol you mean teach is the one to to play

I would be shocked if shanks gets more screen time then kaido
Shanks is already more important than Kaido for the story even if he has less than a tenth of his panel time. There is not even the need to explain why. Then it could be that Shanks is killed by BB but you can be sure that the hype Oda built in the decades around Shanks will not just be exausted in a brief fight just to hype BB. Even right now Kaido himself is building up Shanks hype. What is there to say if Kaido conisders him one of the few who can fight him and puts him on par with god tiers like Xebec, Roger and WB? Just wait until Oda reveals how the Kaido-Shanks clash before Marineford ended, at the very least it will be a draw (most likepy something different in order to hype Shanks on the shoulders of the defeated Kaido).
You think they can both coexist as WSS? I have some trouble with that, but at the same time this is technically not impossible even if we consider the title like a gospel, since perhaps the other is also WSS but wasn't introduced as such (I find it abysmal odds wise however) unless WSS wasn't as relevant as preemptivated and I also doubt about this too for the reason not even WSC features in the databooks, but hey WSS does, it may be special, likely.
All I know is Shanks destroys an admiral
Akainu can give him mid/high diff tho