Powers & Abilities Shiryu is the Second Strongest Blackbeard Pirate… According to Eiichiro Oda

D: Hello, Odacchi! Looking at the cover page of Chapter 1031, it seems like Bepo is the No. 2 of the Heart Pirates, right!? I was surprised because I thought that Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo were all tied for No. 2! Are you saying that Bepo (with Sulong?) is the strongest between them? P.N. Pudding-ya

O: That cover, huh? Similar to Zoro, not all of those characters have the title of first mate. I selected the No. 2s as I saw fit. Usually, Shachi and Penguin are more dependable, but those two—who have seen Bepo's Sulong form—are no match for Bepo in terms of fighting power...! I acknowledge him.
Shiryu aint that crazy
Seeing as how Japan loves the Nazis I can see why Oda thought he would be a good eos villain but he doesn't realize that to everybody who isn't a zoro tard that shiryuu is a barrel chested nobody with a recycled df that nobody cares about.