Fanclub Shiryu of the Rain Fanclub

Something anime only for now but could be made cannon.

The reason why Shiryu said “sorry for cutting you” and with other translations “I had the right to cut you”, and why his sword glowed red is because his sword is so cursed that it decides who to cut, he literally cannot help it. That’s why with the jailers it glowed red, whereas with BB blue. A cursed sword that enacts your true desire, hope this is true.

I’m in.
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Not in direct 1 on 1 combat, Garp wasn't exactly on guard since he was going after Coby.

And then got his ass beaten and sweating in a single punch.
And what else matters if it is a 1v1? Among the 4 he was the only one who afflicted damage and we are talking about loda son grandpa no way he is going to hype him we are talking here about the legendary hero he was laughing and getting up after getting the punch and by fodders words after that scene "he is been weakneed"besides is similar what akainu did to shirohige