Why is it that when Mihawk saw Shusui, he never once commented that Shusui is a black blade? Only the biggest of swinging dicks can even fathom the unlimited power necessary to turn a piece of metal black, and yet Mihawk didn’t even drop to his knees and shit and piss and cum himself at the sight of Shusui. Why is that?
The answer is that Shusui is not a black blade, and either Ryuma is a fraud or he stole his “black blade” from somebody else (my money is on Rox D Xebec)

Um um um see Oda just forgot to draw Xebec’s sword as black, you know like all the times Oda forgot to draw Yoru and Shusui as black um I’m not coping you’re coping
You see, a blade is not black unless Oda draws the swordsman with the dialogue bubble staring into the camera talking to me like I’m a fucking 3 year old because my eyes don’t work properly. Therefore, Shusui is obviously not a black blade and Ryuma is a bitch confirmed.
“Oh but Lee,” I hear you saying, “Shusui is clearly a black blade, just use your motherfucking eyes and look at the motherfucking sword after you’ve sobered up from copium and you’ll clearly see that the motherfucking blade is black”
And that’s a good point, but what would you say if I told you I had sex with your mother last night? I bent her over in doggy and fired all of my man-energy down your birth canal. My kokuto shi shi son son’d the exact spot in your mother where your head used to rest. Call me the King of Hell because your mother sure was feeling my full Haki release. The bounty your mother gave me after I was finished AdCoCing her Karyudon? 69 billion berries.
That blade isn’t looking so black now is it? Check mate bitches.
@SakazOuki @kurwa @Extravlad @ZenZu @MarineHQ @ShishioIsBack @Seth @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Yelan’s Minion @ConquistadoR @Sentinel @Playa4321 @TheAncientCenturion @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Blackbeard @comrade @Veku @King7 @The White Crane @Warchief Sanji D Goat