While subtle, Scopper seems to have a flame shaped scar, which is how this person was described originally.
As the TCB notes mention, the phrasing isnt exact normal and it implies the scar is literally flame shaped. Reading the VIZ chapter, it just says "Man with the Burn Scar"
Now other characters like Saul and Aokiji have burn scars, but as weve been told by both, its unlikely to be them because Saul hasnt left Elbaf in 20 years and Aokiji just recently got his scars from Akainu.
Imo Scopper has more to him than we think, and pure logic would actually support him being the Man with the Burn Scar. He's extremely powerful, meaning he can probably move a poneglyph. He also is one of the few people on the planet that should have known where the Fish Man Island Road Poneglyph would be.
That said, his ship and powers are currently a mystery, but that would solidify this claim.
@Tyki_Mikk @Doggo @Sentinel @JoNdule @Bounty @HA001 @nik87 @Roo @zzShinichi @Bounty @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Garp the Fist. Etc

As the TCB notes mention, the phrasing isnt exact normal and it implies the scar is literally flame shaped. Reading the VIZ chapter, it just says "Man with the Burn Scar"
Now other characters like Saul and Aokiji have burn scars, but as weve been told by both, its unlikely to be them because Saul hasnt left Elbaf in 20 years and Aokiji just recently got his scars from Akainu.
Imo Scopper has more to him than we think, and pure logic would actually support him being the Man with the Burn Scar. He's extremely powerful, meaning he can probably move a poneglyph. He also is one of the few people on the planet that should have known where the Fish Man Island Road Poneglyph would be.
That said, his ship and powers are currently a mystery, but that would solidify this claim.
@Tyki_Mikk @Doggo @Sentinel @JoNdule @Bounty @HA001 @nik87 @Roo @zzShinichi @Bounty @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Garp the Fist. Etc