General & Others Special/mythical paramecia


So so far katakuri is the only confirmed special paramecia we know of. Him being classified as such due to his mochi fruit basically giving him access to a logia like body
With him not only able to produce the substance but he’s just straight up made out of it. The only reason he isn’t a logia is because mochi isn’t a natural substance

Basically do you think we’ve already met characters that have special paramecia or even mythical zoan fruits but didn’t realize at the time?

Imo fruits that permanently and passively alter the users body might be more “special” than the average paramecia

  • Like the dice fruit for example seems to always be active so maybe it’s more unique than originally thought
  • Alvida’s slip fruit might also fit because it also seems like a fruit that changes the users body regardless of her trying
  • Idk if it counts but kuma’s hands seem permanently effected by the paw fruit


I think Kata's DF is and will stay the only exception because Oda wrote himself into a corner, and decided on that bullshit retcon.

Mythical Zoans incognito we may have encountered already, though, namely Chopper's and BB's.
I never understood that, really. Katakuri's DF could just be the rice DF (Ine Ine no Mi or something like that), so it could be a logia (rice is obviously natural). Even if you consider that there is already a "plant" logia (Mori Mori) and logias were intended to only represent elements, Oda already dropped that ball long ago... swamp or soot aren't really elements, and soot specially mix up with smoke (Moku Moku) and fire (Mera Mera) already. Not to mention Hie Hie and Yuki Yuki no Mi, that are EXACTLY the same thing: water.
I never understood that, really. Katakuri's DF could just be the rice DF (Ine Ine no Mi or something like that), so it could be a logia (rice is obviously natural). Even if you consider that there is already a "plant" logia (Mori Mori) and logias were intended to only represent elements, Oda already dropped that ball long ago... swamp or soot aren't really elements, and soot specially mix up with smoke (Moku Moku) and fire (Mera Mera) already. Not to mention Hie Hie and Yuki Yuki no Mi, that are EXACTLY the same thing: water.
Katakuri's fruit had to be Paramecia because of awakening. For now, Oda is hiding the capabilities of Logia awakening.
No because Special Paramecia was just created so Oda could cover his ass for making a mistake, not because there were plans to make unique classes of Paramecia.
The only real difference is that he has to move his mochi body away actively.
Against CoA users this difference does not exist either since they have to do that as well.
Galdino could be the same as Kata, but he is not made out of wax. He can only produce it.
Alvida has become so slippery that even fat runs off. It certainly altered her body permanently, but she is not made out of "slippery".

We have seen very different forms of how paramecia devil fruits manifest.
Daz for example becomes metal. He can not produce metal though, like Galdino can with his wax. Some are even metaphysical.

Paramecia is a catch-all for fruits that do not fit the logia or zoan category.
Special-Paramecia was used as to not confuse a very logial-like fruit with actual logia.
I still don't understand the purpose of the distinction. Smoke is not an element either. Neither is swamp.
fire is no more an element than smoke, because neither are actual elements. if fire can be considered an "element" just because of classical elemental systems established years ago that amount to mythology, then oda calling smoke an element is fine.
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mochi is not a natural phenomenon. diamonds are a natural phenomenon, but oda choose to make it a paramecia and thats fine, because it doesnt need to be.
Katakuri's fruit had to be Paramecia because of awakening. For now, Oda is hiding the capabilities of Logia awakening.
That's a good point, but I don't think that would be enough for such change. At this point, it's more likely than not that logias can be awakened too, as we probably saw this more than once, ever since Arabasta.

He actually activates his "ground death" the same way Doffy activates "off white" and "ever white". It's too much exposure for a secret (supposedly) under lock and key.

Chapter #201:

Chapter #785 and #790:

Then, there is also Punk Hazard that permanently changed the climate due to the Akainu vs. Aokiji duel. Oda could've done it the same way he did with Crocodile and he'd still keep the secret.
That's a good point, but I don't think that would be enough for such change. At this point, it's more likely than not that logias can be awakened too, as we probably saw this more than once, ever since Arabasta.

He actually activates his "ground death" the same way Doffy activates "off white" and "ever white". It's too much exposure for a secret (supposedly) under lock and key.

Chapter #201:

Chapter #785 and #790:

Then, there is also Punk Hazard that permanently changed the climate due to the Akainu vs. Aokiji duel. Oda could've done it the same way he did with Crocodile and he'd still keep the secret.
Very true. But Katakuri having Mochi as his "element" is comparatively weaker compared to a typical Logia. Permanently changing the weather and nature control, is a good deal more powerful than having an edible element.
Very true. But Katakuri having Mochi as his "element" is comparatively weaker compared to a typical Logia. Permanently changing the weather and nature control, is a good deal more powerful than having an edible element.
Well, there are weaker logias. I mean, Caribou's Numa Numa no Mi is no big deal too for someone minimumly skilled or prepared (even Franky could easily subdue Caribou), but it's a logia. However, if the user is someone like Katakuri, even mochi (or swamp, for the sake of the example) can turn into a dangerous thing.
Well, there are weaker logias. I mean, Caribou's Numa Numa no Mi is no big deal too for someone minimumly skilled or prepared (even Franky could easily subdue Caribou), but it's a logia. However, if the user is someone like Katakuri, even mochi (or swamp, for the sake of the example) can turn into a dangerous thing.
Caribou is just an weak user. Katakuri is tiers above him in general, even disregarding fruits. Swamp is one of the weaker logia's, but it's still a logia with alot of utility. It would get far more usage in the hands of a half competent user.