humm...lets see:dictatorships all over the globe,genocides,drug dealing and all sorts of crimes.Nahh the left is humanitarians,they are good people.Capitalist pigs are the cause of all evil on earth,right?
Also Greg thinks Kaido will go after marines for what Aramaki did to king and queen since he cares deeply for his top subordinates, that’s everything I got from this
That's...acceptable. But still very weird. Kaido never showed any care for his subordinates (except King), even Doffy showed more.
For someone like Kaido, it would be better if Kaido goes after marines because some shitty marine came in and tried to take his crew down when he was absent. Not because he deeply cares about them.
no, ozzie myers is retired. it was democratic candidates that he wanted to win local elections, not his own campaign. also thats just one instance. this case proves how easy it is to pay people off to defraud elections and alter vote totals on voting machines. it happens across the world.
My point is, it's not easy in federal/national elections. Never said fraud doesn't exist. I said widespread fraud of presidential elections does not exist.
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