Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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Btw I hate how Hiyori was wroten. Daughter of the dead shogun who sailed with Whitebeard and Roger but she doesn't do shit except suck on Zoro all day. That is so sad, and the one time she could have fought she was babysat by Ashura ( I think it was Ashura might be wrong ) when she only had to cut Orochi's last head off. What a bitch..
it’s a forced rivalry still law and Kidd have no crew no territory’s no luffy is 2 lvl above them individually I don’t see law or Kidd beating an admiral nor yonko 1v1 even Yamato could possibly beat one of ‘em
So? Rivals aren't equals. Rivals just mean people competing for an end goal.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Because hatred runs deep and Wanonese are filled with propoganda. Simple. Winners write history, just like what Hiyori is doing now.
There is no retcon. Hiyori is a flawed person and there are still issues to be solved. Wano's policy is still fucked up and won't be fixed until the borders are opened.
And Momo the Shogun is allowing that to be taught to children. What type of Shogun is he going to be again? A great one? Like his Greatgrandfather?

I completely understand Hiyori having hatred towards the Kurozumi clan and I don't expect her to be forgiving (that would actually be cringy). But I don't expect indoctrination of children by the Great Shogun Momo.
I mean it is true that Wano was shown to be xenophobic, but still
Wano wasn't only shown to be xenophobic. They were portrayed as racist, uneducated, misguided, weak, cowardice and many other things. Oden was none of these which is why he was heralded as the hero. Wano being a terrible country with terrible people was done on purpose. Wanonese people kept calling themselves proud and full of culture but that itself is a commentary on how a flawed xenophobic country praises itself.

Oden wanted to leave Wano because he saw through all of these false narratives.

Deleted member 33823

Wano has never been a good country the borders being closed has led to them having a twisted isolationist mentality making them super near sighted. In the Oden backstory it is shown how people are outcasted and ostracised for being different Oden included. Until the borders open and Wano is forced to experience diversity it'll remain a cesspool of single mindedness.
Every artist has that one series of flops

Wano , especially act 3 is a series of bad writings .
This arc will be so forgotten even tho Oda tried all to force Oden, wano samurai, yamato into our heads
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And Momo the Shogun is allowing that to be taught to children. What type of Shogun is he going to be again? A great one? Like his Greatgrandfather?

I completely understand Hiyori having hatred towards the Kurozumi clan and I don't expect her to be forgiving (that would actually be cringy). But I don't expect indoctrination of children by the Great Shogun Momo.
Like I said, the borders aren't open. It takes time. Things can't be fixed in just a month. Momo will learn how to rule once he matures more.
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What the fuck are these comments.. The kurozumi clan is the one that led to the downfall of their entire fucking country and sucked on the dick of Kaidou.
Actually no. Wano fell to ruin because of Wano's policies.

the audience knows why orochi became orochi
the people of wano will never know nor care ,little reason to not feel justified. perhaps if there are more kurozumi's around , they would continue to act the same way they had done in the past.

this topic is clearly too complicated for op
if you want to read on how the cycle of hatred is tackled
naruto handles this a lot better.

Deleted member 33823

And Momo the Shogun is allowing that to be taught to children. What type of Shogun is he going to be again? A great one? Like his Greatgrandfather?

I completely understand Hiyori having hatred towards the Kurozumi clan and I don't expect her to be forgiving (that would actually be cringy). But I don't expect indoctrination of children by the Great Shogun Momo.
To be fair we don't know if Momo is aware of this.
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