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The End and the Beginning
@Ratchet how was work this morning, u still drunk m8? why r u being voted.
hit me up with a summary from ur PoV
Work was rough. Drank lots of water and tea. Still feel a bit off.

I suggested Indigo should claim, and his defence was emotional (threatening to stop playing Mafia here). However, he had a lack of votes, so I was rather hasty in my request. The accusation is I am tunneling a new player, and apparently ignoring other slots. That's about it, as best I remember.


someone help a brother out with a summary
where we at rn
Melkor, Ratchet and Phoenix went after me when you accused me of being scum at the start, mainly Ratchet

i defended myself and he ignored me, then Ratchet tried to make me claim my role with these 3 votes alone

Phoenix also did some sketchy things with voting me on the website but not calling it out here, when questioned he said he wanted to get a reaction

now many went on Ratchet

i still think Phoenix is sus

and Melkor was kinda wild, just voting on anyone and trying to get a wagon going


The End and the Beginning
i would like u to talk to me first whats going on
and why is the defeatist attitude
Not defeatist, I think there is, or should be, approximately 0 chance of me being lynched today. I also think several behaviours have been highlighted in my wagon so far, with Melkor and Phoenix looking the worst to me.
Not defeatist, I think there is, or should be, approximately 0 chance of me being lynched today. I also think several behaviours have been highlighted in my wagon so far, with Melkor and Phoenix looking the worst to me.
I have not voted you at all.

My vote is on Pheonix right now, it was on Indigo and Pero earlier.


Certified Memelord
Work was rough. Drank lots of water and tea. Still feel a bit off.

I suggested Indigo should claim, and his defence was emotional (threatening to stop playing Mafia here). However, he had a lack of votes, so I was rather hasty in my request. The accusation is I am tunneling a new player, and apparently ignoring other slots. That's about it, as best I remember.
what page does this start from
im not reading full day until later
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