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When were you under the impression this game is..
Could say the same thing… but I wont since its D1

Tobi seems slightly scummy (unless hes CC cop)
Pero is acting weird, idk about scummy though
Doc is clear for me now, dont think he is scum lean

Lazy attempt… im playing the Cop game and was talking to my partner
Let me rephrase it again, besides Ratchet who would you wanna lynch right now.
I see, for the Lethal stuff you mean when he was saying you were gaslighting Anakin being good or something? I did a quick search and he was talking to you about that a lot.
Yes, it was the part where he said I tried to position the players to believe Anakin into Vader Vader gaslighting it which didn't make sense to me. My first post was to warn the players of possible danger and I was paranoid of Anakin Skywalker turning into Darth Vader if this is going to happen like what happened in the previous Star Wars game.
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