Controversial stop changing genre of my threeeads...


i post teory of lufy volcanistation power ups..and i put genre teory and then some hiden mod or admin change into power up abiitis genre...

do u know beter then me????...are you me??? to undstand what i try to say???...are u oda????...

did i insult someo1 in thread?? did i bash???...

i was just minding my own bizness and posting amzeing teory..

wat rule or rite makes u change esense of my ideas????...

it's ur ilojik sense of ilojikness...

it's damn theory .....why do u have to ruin everyhing i make when it's beautiful...

pis me of again and i'll leave this site..

i post teory of lufy volcanistation power ups..and i put genre teory and then some hiden mod or admin change into power up abiitis genre...

do u know beter then me????...are you me??? to undstand what i try to say???...are u oda????...

did i insult someo1 in thread?? did i bash???...

i was just minding my own bizness and posting amzeing teory..

wat rule or rite makes u change esense of my ideas????...

it's ur ilojik sense of ilojikness...

it's damn theory .....why do u have to ruin everyhing i make when it's beautiful...

pis me of again and i'll leave this site..
I'll always fight by your side Minamoto!
Let's stand up for Minamoto's rights :getnappaed: