Current Events TCB Scanlation Team Conspires to PROTECT Sword Sissies and Yoncucks From CHADMIRAL Enjoyers (Classic OP Fandom Propaganda)

TCB scanlations is protecting Sword Swallowers and Yoncucks from Admiral Supremacy


Teach cannot capture Garp. Nobody Teach knows can capture Garp.

Garp > Blackbeard
Kuzan >>>> Squardo of the Rain
Kuzan > Blackbeard

Sword swallowers can scream from the roofs in their delusions, and Yoncucks can hide behind Sword swallowers to protect them from Chadmiral fans, but this manga continues to humiliate them harder and harder

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @[No Name] @Topi Jerami @HA001 @Fleet Leader Fenaker
Pop off

Zoro fans sucking up to Shiryu is the stupidest power scaling wank I've seen in my entire life

Most artificial crap imaginable.

Garp and Kuzan were trading continuous blows.

Shiryu needed invisibility to get a single hit in then got flattened.

I want Oda to draw Zoro making the Oden face at his STANS, LOL.

BTW I still believe in ZKK, if any fake fuck wants to tell me I'm not a real Zoro fan, because I'm not jerking off Shiryu's invisible dick, LOL
its funny how u talk abt others being toxic while being passive aggressive towards me with the assumption of a" yonkocuck "
Dude chill. Its a joke term that is widely used just like Admiraltard and whatever not. You must be fun at parties.

they werent on the verge of annihilation but beating garp still took an extreme toll on them to the point that they didnt have the leverage to not hold back
Okay then you answered it. I have another opinion on that but thats fair enough. Then for Kuzan to say that they "barely" defeated Garp is the wrong translation.

didnt even use his devil fruit powers ? who didnt ?
did this happen in two piece ?
Ah come. Starting things off with an Ice Block and using an Ice to put a glove on his hand is not the kind of Devil Fruit usage I mean, and you shouldve understand it.

This is the type of DF usage I meant.

Real awakening or even regular high effort type of DF shit. The entire narrative of the chapter "Battleship Bags" was Kuzan putting his physical strength and Haki he learned from his Sensei on the test against his Sensei.

20 minutes of battle ? was this stated in the manga or is it just another speculation
You really take every word up your ass lmao. It was an estimation and I think 20 minutes is even a high ball. It was literally a straight up escape which cant take longer than minutes. From what we saw it was some minutes and maybe a few other minutes of off screen battle before we entered the entire scenario.

i guess the guy who hasnt even read the fuckin manga has some devious agenda against admirals
No, he simply does not know the context! Ask 100 japanese people who dont know One Piece and 50 will translate it 1 way, 50 the other way. Its like saying a native person who does not know One Piece confirmed that "strongest" in the title of Whitebeard is purely muscle strength based and thus Whitebeard is not known as the strongest overall fighter but the strongest powerlifter.

Use your brain ffs. You just said yourself that you dont believe the BB pirates were in the verge of annihilation, so it makes zero sense to act like Kuzan said they managed to capture Garp "barely" (which would imply that Garp almost defeated them all or escaped).

aokiji to be fruit-less against garp
Did Kizaru fight fruitless against Rayleigh? Did Big Mom fight fruitless against Kaido? Are boxers who fight each other with gloves fighting with weapons?

The entire way you talk is completely toxic, on a Karen level of crying about other people throwing in toxic terms jokingly (or even if not), and you not even realizing it shows your intellectual level and personal mindset of putting yourself in a victim role. Wouldnt even be surprised if you get bullied in rl...
cause they didnt think they will have garp and sword coming down on them
they were extremely casual with coby
And when they fought Garp, there still weren't any large scale moves, except when Garp threw burning pirates around, which was specifically criticized.

they were in the middle of a war during that
i am talking abt post fight scenario here
Re-read what I said. Frozen objects (and people) are far more brittle (and people would probably die from an area being turned to such low temperatures), the damage would still be great.

meant fodder pirates around him
people like these
Yes, you think Teach would be happy with hundreds to thousanda of them just being killed because his Titanic Captains didn't want to waste more energy?

i never said ,
i just think its equal to sakazuki's meigou which is like the greatest attack akainu has shown till date
Meigou took part of Whitebeard's head, punched a clean hole through Ace and Jinbe. Kuzan's ice glove paired with the biggest CoA we've seen didn't do much damage to Garp's face. And this is despite Kuzan and Akainu allegedly going blow for blow for each other.
It still makes Kuzan's DF look dogshit, especially compared to Akainu.

also garp got offscreened in the end by shiryu and kuzan
we dont know which attack brought him down
Kuzan was credited for taking him down, he is standing in front of Garp, the closest to him, his attack piercing Garp through. Come on now
Dude chill. Its a joke term that is widely used just like Admiraltard and whatever not. You must be fun at parties.
getting called names isnt the toxic part here , its being assumed as someone negative just cause he goes against ur opinion

Okay then you answered it. I have another opinion on that but thats fair enough. Then for Kuzan to say that they "barely" defeated Garp is the wrong translation.
or it has another meaning cause every proper translation i have seen of this thing supports barely
u are calling it a wrong translation but i am calling it a skill issue of brain cells

Ah come. Starting things off with an Ice Block and using an Ice to put a glove on his hand is not the kind of Devil Fruit usage I mean, and you shouldve understand it.

This is the type of DF usage I meant.

Real awakening or even regular high effort type of DF shit. The entire narrative of the chapter "Battleship Bags" was Kuzan putting his physical strength and Haki he learned from his Sensei on the test against his Sensei.
then u should have said its kuzan who hasnt used his strongest df attacks yet
but u straight up called it df - less
literally just read what u are writing cause that sounds hella idiotic

will i say this is a haki-less zoro clashing with lucci just cause he didnt use acoc ?

seems pretty retarded right

The entire narrative of the chapter "Battleship Bags" was Kuzan putting his physical strength and Haki he learned from his Sensei on the test against his Sensei.
and also his devil fruit

You really take every word up your ass lmao. It was an estimation and I think 20 minutes is even a high ball. It was literally a straight up escape which cant take longer than minutes. From what we saw it was some minutes and maybe a few other minutes of off screen battle before we entered the entire scenario.
oh so its just another speculation from our lovely admiral fanboy here

and honestly , time barely even matters here
someone like kaido was beaten in a single night and that guy boasts the highest endurance in this series

No, he simply does not know the context! Ask 100 japanese people who dont know One Piece and 50 will translate it 1 way, 50 the other way. Its like saying a native person who does not know One Piece confirmed that "strongest" in the title of Whitebeard is purely muscle strength based and thus Whitebeard is not known as the strongest overall fighter but the strongest powerlifter.
thats what they will assume
him being the strongest powerlifter or fighter is what they will assume

but the translation will always be WORLD'S STRONGEST MAN ( thats the main fuckin part )
now it depends on us readers who actually know the context to figure out the area this title covers

if u know the context of a situation while translating then there is a chance of some bias there
its only good if some figure of speech is involved

and what the guy @Fujishiro showed to us is simple translation of japanese text
where the only context this guy has is the interaction between kuzan and teach

or like i have been saying , the term ' barely ' here doesnt mean that they were on the verge of annihilation
they simply tried their best

Did Kizaru fight fruitless against Rayleigh? Did Big Mom fight fruitless against Kaido? Are boxers who fight each other with gloves fighting with weapons?
the glove part only makes sense if kuzan used it as a defensive layer to protect his fists from garp's skull( which barely matters in a manga like onepiece )
this is literally a parallel to akainu's meigou which is an offensive attack

The entire way you talk is completely toxic, on a Karen level of crying about other people throwing in toxic terms jokingly (or even if not), and you not even realizing it shows your intellectual level and personal mindset of putting yourself in a victim role. Wouldnt even be surprised if you get bullied in rl...

this right here is what u call gaslighting
and what the guy @Fujishiro showed to us is simple translation of japanese text
where the only context this guy has is the interaction between kuzan and teach
Then you are misinformed. Cause no, "barely" is not the only meaning of that japanese word. It can mean barely, but it can also mean finally/at last (time based) and multiple people in this forum already proved that that word was used as that in the One Piece Manga often before. Also when you ask chatgpt, the most common translation of the word is at last/finally - which btw also implies that it was a difficult battle, just not one that couldve gone either way, like "barely" would imply.

or like i have been saying , the term ' barely ' here doesnt mean that they were on the verge of annihilation
they simply tried their best
But thats what the english term "barely" describes. You cannot change the meaning of a word. If you mean the correct thing, then why dont you use the correct translation in the first place? I just dont understand. Is it that hard to admit a fault??

Not gonna adress the rest of your comment as I already gave my opinion to all of it. It would only result in a meaningless back and forth.
I think Teach singled out Kuzan because he knows none of his other crewmates can actually stop Garp from getting what he wants. People ignore the fact that Shiryu couldn't even approach Garp even while fighting Kuzan, the gap is that big, he had to use Coby in order to get a shot at Garp, and even after getting stabbed he didn't dare approach him again.

Kuzan and BBPs vs Garp and Sword
BBPs were treated like trash by Garp aside from Kuzan
Sword were also trash

If Kuzan wasn't there, Garp would've raped Hachinosu and left with Coby
If Shiryu wasn't there, Kuzan would've had to use more power, fight takes longer, island is destroyed etc (or Kuzan refrains from making a mess out of the island and lets him go)

The point is, Teach knows that Kuzan being there is what ultimately led to Garp's capture


The only one who can beat me is me
I think Teach singled out Kuzan because he knows none of his other crewmates can actually stop Garp from getting what he wants. People ignore the fact that Shiryu couldn't even approach Garp even while fighting Kuzan, the gap is that big, he had to use Coby in order to get a shot at Garp, and even after getting stabbed he didn't dare approach him again.

Kuzan and BBPs vs Garp and Sword
BBPs were treated like trash by Garp aside from Kuzan
Sword were also trash

If Kuzan wasn't there, Garp would've raped Hachinosu and left with Coby
If Shiryu wasn't there, Kuzan would've had to use more power, fight takes longer, island is destroyed etc (or Kuzan refrains from making a mess out of the island and lets him go)

The point is, Teach knows that Kuzan being there is what ultimately led to Garp's capture
Whenever someone quotes me about this topic, just gonna refer them to this post.

This children's manga is too difficult for most people it seems.

W Kakuzu pfp btw.
Blackbeard knew Kuzan can take down old garp by his mind which he can judge power level . Not shiryu of rain. We have explanation term over there which it can mean finally . If you genuinely think Kuzan and Blackbeard pirates literal show all show moves or went all out to capture garp then you are hopeless .
Kuzan > old garp is fact . It already stated in marineford arc.
Blackbeard knew Kuzan can take down old garp by his mind which he can judge power level . Not shiryu of rain. We have explanation term over there which it can mean finally . If you genuinely think Kuzan and Blackbeard pirates literal show all show moves or went all out to capture garp then you are hopeless .
Kuzan > old garp is fact . It already stated in marineford arc.
BB assumed that Aoddidy did something because he's the one talking, waiters are nowhere near old legends, this conversation ended with this chapter.
Old Garp > Akainu+Aoddidy :josad:
And when they fought Garp, there still weren't any large scale moves, except when Garp threw burning pirates around, which was specifically criticized.
the only ones capable of doing large dc moves are pizzaro and aokiji
kuzan didnt do it cause large range fodder control wouldnt work on garp
and pizzaro still did some damage to his surrounding by lifting his hand up

Re-read what I said. Frozen objects (and people) are far more brittle (and people would probably die from an area being turned to such low temperatures), the damage would still be great.
them dying solely depends on whether kuzan removes his technique or not
god knows for how long these pirates were frozen

but they still survived after kuzan undid his powers

Yes, you think Teach would be happy with hundreds to thousanda of them just being killed because his Titanic Captains didn't want to waste more energy?
1. most of them wont die
2. capturing garp is actually a huge priority , thats literally the ace in teach's mega plan

a 1000 fodders getting killed is a huge blow but not bigger than coby/garp running away

Meigou took part of Whitebeard's head, punched a clean hole through Ace and Jinbe. Kuzan's ice glove paired with the biggest CoA we've seen didn't do much damage to Garp's face. And this is despite Kuzan and Akainu allegedly going blow for blow for each other.
It still makes Kuzan's DF look dogshit, especially compared to Akainu.
akainu's fruit is more lethal than kuzan's but that doesnt mean their strength aint the same
Kuzan was credited for taking him down, he is standing in front of Garp, the closest to him, his attack piercing Garp through. Come on now
kuzan was the biggest force against garp
thats what this fight meant , but u also cant ignore shiryu standing around garp

and yeah that post is mostly abt kuzan doing more attacks than ice glove so i dont think ice glove is his peak of logia
Then you are misinformed. Cause no, "barely" is not the only meaning of that japanese word. It can mean barely, but it can also mean finally/at last (time based) and multiple people in this forum already proved that that word was used as that in the One Piece Manga often before. Also when you ask chatgpt, the most common translation of the word is at last/finally - which btw also implies that it was a difficult battle, just not one that couldve gone either way, like "barely" would imply.

But thats what the english term "barely" describes. You cannot change the meaning of a word. If you mean the correct thing, then why dont you use the correct translation in the first place? I just dont understand. Is it that hard to admit a fault??

Not gonna adress the rest of your comment as I already gave my opinion to all of it. It would only result in a meaningless back and forth.
now whats the take here ?
cause every translation including viz conveys it as "barely"

now is viz conspiring against admiral agenda ?
is someone who hasnt even read onepiece against admiral agenda ?
From a japanese speaker that doesnt read One Piece and therefore has no agenda to push:

or is that just the correction translation
Stop it, the Chadmirals are all stronger than prime Garp, WB and Ray.
Who else could capture Weevil, toy with Ray and neg Garp?
Stop saying that BB only praised Aokiji because he thought it was a 1v1 fight, that's not true and Aokiji is a known liar so nothing he says matters! :finally:
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