Dude chill. Its a joke term that is widely used just like Admiraltard and whatever not. You must be fun at parties.
getting called names isnt the toxic part here , its being assumed as someone negative just cause he goes against ur opinion
Okay then you answered it. I have another opinion on that but thats fair enough. Then for Kuzan to say that they "barely" defeated Garp is the wrong translation.
or it has another meaning cause every proper translation i have seen of this thing supports barely
u are calling it a wrong translation but i am calling it a skill issue of brain cells
Ah come. Starting things off with an Ice Block and using an Ice to put a glove on his hand is not the kind of Devil Fruit usage I mean, and you shouldve understand it.
This is the type of DF usage I meant.
Real awakening or even regular high effort type of DF shit. The entire narrative of the chapter "Battleship Bags" was Kuzan putting his physical strength and Haki he learned from his Sensei on the test against his Sensei.
then u should have said its kuzan who hasnt used his strongest df attacks yet
but u straight up called it df - less
literally just read what u are writing cause that sounds hella idiotic
will i say this is a haki-less zoro clashing with lucci just cause he didnt use acoc ?
seems pretty retarded right
The entire narrative of the chapter "Battleship Bags" was Kuzan putting his physical strength and Haki he learned from his Sensei on the test against his Sensei.
and also his devil fruit
You really take every word up your ass lmao. It was an estimation and I think 20 minutes is even a high ball. It was literally a straight up escape which cant take longer than minutes. From what we saw it was some minutes and maybe a few other minutes of off screen battle before we entered the entire scenario.
oh so its just another speculation from our lovely admiral fanboy here
and honestly , time barely even matters here
someone like kaido was beaten in a single night and that guy boasts the highest endurance in this series
No, he simply does not know the context! Ask 100 japanese people who dont know One Piece and 50 will translate it 1 way, 50 the other way. Its like saying a native person who does not know One Piece confirmed that "strongest" in the title of Whitebeard is purely muscle strength based and thus Whitebeard is not known as the strongest overall fighter but the strongest powerlifter.
thats what they
will assume
him being the strongest powerlifter or fighter is what they will assume
but the translation will
always be WORLD'S STRONGEST MAN ( thats the main fuckin part )
now it depends on us readers who actually know the context to figure out the area this title covers
if u know the context of a situation while translating then there is a chance of some bias there
its only good if some figure of speech is involved
and what the guy
@Fujishiro showed to us is simple translation of japanese text
where the only context this guy has is the interaction between kuzan and teach
or like i have been saying , the term ' barely ' here doesnt mean that they were on the verge of annihilation
they simply tried their best
Did Kizaru fight fruitless against Rayleigh? Did Big Mom fight fruitless against Kaido? Are boxers who fight each other with gloves fighting with weapons?
the glove part only makes sense if kuzan used it as a defensive layer to protect his fists from garp's skull( which barely matters in a manga like onepiece )
this is literally a parallel to akainu's meigou which is an offensive attack
The entire way you talk is completely toxic, on a Karen level of crying about other people throwing in toxic terms jokingly (or even if not), and you not even realizing it shows your intellectual level and personal mindset of putting yourself in a victim role. Wouldnt even be surprised if you get bullied in rl...
this right here is what u call gaslighting