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Yall actually watched that 6 hour video? :seriously:
I don't spend my entire life in op forums debating about power levels, so I had free time to watch it. It Didn't take too much to watch it from beginning to end, and I even managed to enjoy 6 hours ride as if it was just 6 minutes. Drizzt was great in his analysis and research, he brought up things about Oda, his editors and one piece that I didn't even know. It was great, much better than any chapter in post-timskip.


Pepebusi Spammer
I need to know this. Who here thinks Oda's writing is trash? if u think so then why u still here and why do u think its trash.

is it because ur headcanon theories that u think are amazing didnt come through or what???

I personally dont think its trash i think its better than a lot of other mangas. And obviously one piece is not perfect but i think its still at the top for me people say the story and power system is inconsistent. well duhhhh a lot of our current power system and story was built on something 20 years ago. if Oda were to redo the story(which he wont cause he wants to rest) it would become even more goated because he can fix all the old problems.
"Trash writing" is a condition when the readers expectation/headcanon isnt happening in the current storyline.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Why do y'all use this "he gave Oda money by being a fan and buying lots of shit" as an actual argument against someone criticizing the series?
As far as I know, if I love consuming pizza from a certain restaurant and, one night, the pizza that I ordered comes burned, or missing ingredients, or coming with the wrong toppings, and it becomes a repetitive issue, why the fuck wouldn't I be allowed to complain about it? Because I ordered it multiple times before?
Do y'all actually say these shit and think you're saying something smart?
"he can't talk bad about Oda because he was a fan and gave Oda money. He's a hypocrite because of that". Seriously. Do you even understand basic interactions between human beings aside from "memes" and "trolling"?
Holy fuck that got to be one of the most imbecile arguments I've ever seen on this forum. Kinda crazy, ngl.
I don't spend my entire life in op forums debating about power levels, so I had free time to watch it. It Didn't take too much to watch it from beginning to end, and I even managed to enjoy 6 hours ride as if it was just 6 minutes. Drizzt was great in his analysis and research, he brought up things about Oda, his editors and one piece that I didn't even know. It was great, much better than any chapter in post-timskip.
Lmaooooo u invested that much time into writing this comment?:whitepress:

Tbh tho fuck post time skip


Drizzt actually touched upon it and explained as "to why Hody is bad not because he's weak," but unfortunately people don't wanna watch his video.
that's because he knew that people would be onto him, it's the same as the ''i'm a zoro fan but zoro is weaker than kamazo'' and vice versa that we see everyday here
Why do y'all use this "he gave Oda money by being a fan and buying lots of shit" as an actual argument against someone criticizing the series?
As far as I know, if I love consuming pizza from a certain restaurant and, one night, the pizza that I ordered comes burned, or missing ingredients, or coming with the wrong toppings, and it becomes a repetitive issue, why the fuck wouldn't I be allowed to complain about it? Because I ordered it multiple times before?
You can complain about it and go to a different pizza place. Because you KEEP EATING THE PIZZA and hanging around outside the front door, people make fun of you. Just stop buying the fucking pizza and go somewhere else instead of standing out front of the pizza place with pizza hanging out of your mouth telling everybody who walks by that the pizza sucks
Does it? Does it really though? Two guys making angry faces at each other and akainu melts smokers cigars. Maybe we can learn important stuff like smoker and akainu don't have the same idea of justice. Oh wait we know that and the only value of that scene would be filler.
Smoker is good friends with Aokiji who fought Akainu for 10 days, so yes, it would be interesting to see the interaction. We would get an idea of how the marines with different ideologies operate under Sakazuki and it would help flesh out the world building surrounding marines post time skip. And again there are hundreds of instances like that, where a character interacts with another character offscreen and we only see the aftermath not the interaction. It’s not just fights, I’m sure if you take like 10 seconds you’ll be able to think of other interactions of the top of your head.
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