Seriously though, fuck KOL or King Of Ls even. His fanbase made a sick edit of Sanji killing Kiku or trying to at least in a "parody chapter" before and then he's doubling down on Sanji doing it here too. Sanji fans like him don't even realise their own hypocrisy, transphobia, sexism even and such with moments and situations like these.
He thinks Sanji is like his brothers apparently. I'll start wishing for Sanji's death and see how they like it?
Also, I had this actually funny meme of Sanji and Kiku where he discovers the truth about Kiku from "how she pees" but I can't find it again now sadly. So many dudes out there love talking about Ds, especially their own and drawing them too but so scared of girls having one.
Honestly, I've had to deal with people like KOL before and this is no actual accusation ofc, not a concrete diagnosis or whatever, but they tend to be in the closet too and the bigotry comes from that denial, self hate, insecurity and living a lie. Just food for thought.
Some of those guys who acted like that would do "certain things" to others and me in private and try to cover it up or pass it off as a "joke" and blame their victims.
Again I'm just rambling and talking from experience here, but someone is genuinely sick in the head if they think someone should die for "being a trap" or transgender or a crossdresser or whatever. For not being "binary/gender typical" or whatever. I'm not a fan of all the 100s of genders and pronouns shit at all but I have my own personal LGBT beliefs and involvement too. So once again, fuck people like that (except literally although that might help their bigotry ironically)
Rant over lol. I would KOL a clown but he's the whole damn circus. He could put Buggy, Caesar and whoever else out of a job! Or hire them being the circus he is! Hes like an IRL version of Big Mom!

Also I'm genuinely a Zoro x Kiku (Zoro Kissing Kiku) shipper so I have my own wishes and preferences too naturally. Kiku deserves the best or the very, very strongest best after all!