"Bm is the weakest top tier"
"Kaido is weaker than Shanks, Akainu"

Is the new "Katakuri is the weakest YC1"
The copium and salts

Just say you understimated Kidd & Law
Rating them below King or Marco. As if 2 YCs can beat a Yonko or admiral when Marco × others couldn't even stop Akainu etc...

Kidd & Law will turn into Low top tiers in this chapter > last chapters they were Inbetweners > at rooftop they were >= Marco/King

Gorosei Informer


Also I have the funniest feeling that Kidd is going to get an amazing theme one day soon, that it's going to look so badass, chaotic, epic and such, but I can't think why?! Just a hunch or a feeling I think?....


On a side note have you seen this btw @Pantheos ? I should have tagged all of you guys in the FC to think of it, I didn't think of that before!:



(Funnily enough, I am actually hoping Nami to get a theme/skin next and I might try to arrange it, make it happen with some others or so! Not even trying to reference your ship of Kidd x Nami but a funny coincidence though!)
Bigmom is fugazi
Steelbeams hurt this baloon

Those steelbeams aint gonna do anything to flame on King
No haki steel beams. :myman:
DF powers are also dependent on haki, Midd and Law have pretty average haki, Law can't even reproduce Kiku levels of power, that's why he needs kroom and anesthesia to bypass durability and Midd is just throwing trash. :handsup:


Kitetsu Wanker
Somewhere nik is preparing to make a Big Mom vs Pica thread
At this point, do I have to make it?
Everyone should be aware by now that Pica vs Big Mom is a serious topic.

Fat dino hurt her, metal beams hurt her, metal bull hurt her.
Sure as hell a stone mountain will hurt her as well.
If we take into consideration free hits like Law and Lidd are getting...