
Welcome to the House of Hope
We need Hawkins back in the story. He is extremely important and has unique tarot cards to help people.
Why do you want him back?
So Oda can fuck him up even more?
Just let him go. Cherish the nice memories you have of him.
Don't wish for Oda to ruin it even further.

but oda already ruined this fight by sidelining most of it. If it ends in 1039 I guarantee it will be unsatisfying. If it ends a few chapters down the road I guess it could be decent tho.
Depends, it can entirely end well in a chapter if paced well, drawn well, and all 3 characters are given good moments and final attacks. You only need a chapter to do this.

Most fight in one piece do not last longer than 1-2 chapters outside of Luffy's. Plus, Big Mom HAS been fighting since like 985. Look at these panels (warning long post and I'm not putting it in spoilers unless mods force it):

This is discounting any of the awakening scenes or this chapter. Big Mom has done ALOT this arc. And where you don't see Kid/Law directly fighting her, they were fighting Kaido beforehand in other huge double spreads.

Seriously if Wano is remembered for anything, it needs to be for its action art, because this is the most Oda has drawn action in any arc ever, by a stupid huge margin.
Depends, it can entirely end well in a chapter if paced well, drawn well, and all 3 characters are given good moments and final attacks. You only need a chapter to do this.

Most fight in one piece do not last longer than 1-2 chapters outside of Luffy's. Plus, Big Mom HAS been fighting since like 985. Look at these panels (warning long post and I'm not putting it in spoilers unless mods force it):

This is discounting any of the awakening scenes or this chapter. Big Mom has done ALOT this arc. And where you don't see Kid/Law directly fighting her, they were fighting Kaido beforehand in other huge double spreads.

Seriously if Wano is remembered for anything, it needs to be for its action art, because this is the most Oda has drawn action in any arc ever, by a stupid huge margin.
The double panels in this arc has been pretty great
Hawkins deserved better to be honest.

He has really cool powers, is pragmatic and is also ruthless in a way other fakers aren't.

I don't get why people hate him for his powers.
Hawkins deserved way better than what really happened...I thought he was gonna betray Kaido and his crew, but no Oda had a different plan. Now I fear he will never come back again...Hawkins is also really smart.
Given how the last chapter panned out, you reckon Law & Kidd can legit beat Linlin in one chapter without any plot contrivance?:catsweat: I mean you yourself gave it 2~3 more chapters coz u thought this scenario was a bit too ridiculous no?
Personally I don't see how and I honestly think struggling and fighting her to a draw is significantly better portrayal than a gifted win coz of plot.
Depends on what you mean by plot contrivance. If both Kid and Law use new awakening moves (which Kid has hinted at), combined with the force of the attacks put on her could be more than one each, added to the possibility of potentially Kid using conquerors, then yes it can be well done.

She has now taken the brunt of 4 major attacks since 1030, but who knows how many she takes here. If it's another 2 (at minimum) to 6 (probably at most), then it depends on the intensity of the drawings.