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Nope. He demolished Doffy so hard that he was beaten to oblivion. Cracker literally dominated Boundman. Also Luffy clearly states that he ran out of haki. Go read again without drinking Copium
He didn't demolish him, Oda simply wanted other characters contribute and help him. If he has no one to carry him he muscles through, if he has then he gets carried, Zoro carried him vs Kaido too despite G4 delivering the beating on his dogshit dragon form
You're both blatanly ignoring that Luffy is massively INJURED after his first G4
Sabo says it, Doffy says it, Luffy himself struggles to even stand up
Then he passes out at the end of the fight and is said to be gravely injured even DAYS LATER
That isn't the result of G4 exhausting his haki, he wasn't anywhere near that beat up when he first went G4, this proves Doffy massively injured Boundman
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