Sounds good to me.

I would love to see some plottwist about Kaido... like he really loved her, just failed as a parent. Something like he wanted to save Ace after all , because Yamato did just once asked for a favor and it was this one, so he was on his way to Marineford because of that. Since he knew about Ace being on Wano and befriended Yamato. Maybe he wanted them to get together, welcome Ace into his family, that would be his "Ace" in the crew. But he failed his daughter and this is the reason he is looking to die.

Something like that.
the yamato project sounds shit to me. but the part about the failed parent is great, especially considering that she got imprisoned at the age of 8
1046: The creature of science

- Luffy vs Kaido, luffy tears pieces of the ground to make pellets and throw them on Kaido

- Kaido laughs about his confrontation against Luffy, it would be the effect of the fruit

- Beginning of the flashback of Kaido who was held in the laboratory named "MADS".

- The laboratory works on a Yamato project which would be the development of a clone based on Kaido's genes
