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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
@Jew D. Boy were you genuinely trying to help because you were high on weed or

were you flexing your muscles by breaking down huge branch into small pieces to impress your hot neighbour? :catpole::catblush:
Come on, Captain!! You know I’m a(n almost) married man!! I did it because it’s a generous thing to do - and some of the branches were reaching into my driveway :tch:

That being said, my neighbor is pretty hot :madmonk:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Stihl's chainsaw ain't impressive for a flex:risitavirus:
You seem experienced regarding what can work as flex and what not? :optimistic:

That being said, my neighbor is pretty hot :madmonk:

Why I never heard about that neighbour?

Well that explains why you like to spend most of your time at home on terraces and in lawn🤭
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