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are you ok in the head
How can you ask someone else this when your sig is literally "If Urouge can beat Snack he can beat Cracker, if he can beat Cracker he can fuck Smoothie, if he can fuck Smoothie he can beat Katakuri, if he can beat Katakuri he can fuck Big Mom therefore EVERYTHING LEADS TO UFBM"

Cap. It's processed. You are talking to a person that lives in the Bahamas which is considered a carribean country. When you open a coconut the liquid inside of it is called coconut water. It's clear like regular water. The white part in the coconut that is hard that you are able to eat within in the coconut is called the coconut meat (as the natives say) though the correct word for it is copra. What you gents call coconut MILK is processed water with cream or milk made using coconut water and coconut meat. That's what coconut milk is. However coconut water by itself out of the coconut is not milk.

So it doesn't make sense coconut water being on this list since coconut water is NOT COCONUT MILK or any form of milk
What, we call coconut milk is just the liquid that is extracted from the white part... it's pretty common in the southern part of India especially to make dishes from it at home only.
Maybe you are used to seeing only processed food.
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