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Chapter 1049 Title: Limbo

Cover: Katakuri (still in bandages) reaches Cracker and Brulèè

-Luffy knocks down Kaido with his last attack
-Kaido is at death's door after the attack and he's passed out.
-Everyone starts to celebrate Luffy's victory. They says "Yes!!!".
-They have no other words but "Yes"

-Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Zoro meets Kaido in the limbo
-Zoro and Kaido are asked to fight by the Grim Reaper and misterious figure who is implied to be Yama.
-Grim Reaper is the RHM of Yama.
-It is explained that when two people are about to die at the same time they fight in the Limbo, and the winner can return to life
-Zoro vs Kaido starts, the Yonko is in his base Dragon form
-Zoro uses a new technique: Santoryu Ougi Jigoku Oni Giri
-Kaido is defeated, thus Zoro can return to life, while Kaido dies and goes to hell.

-Zoro says one last line to Kaido: "You'll conquer the hell, I can feel that."
-Chopper is very happy to see Zoro's recovery

No break next week
This is such cringe xianxia shit. :jay-yeah:
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