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Be honest I don't even blame Toei at this point. Oda HAD multiple chance to reveal what happen between Sanji vs Pageone fight, but he didn't even bring any info. Not a single one either from Sanji or xDrake, which make it even worse. Why you at least don't let Sanji say something like" after I defeat that dude, I escape" or similar statement? Or why he didn't let say xDrake something like" You will pay for what you did to Pageone".

The biggest problem was overall that we don't hear anything about Pageone, not even a single word. So Toei choose their own route if Oda really don't give them a info. And in that case the problem would start with Oda fault to make it far clear...
Tbh it is hard to believe Sanji oneshotted him with the final move. Yh I blame Oda's dumbass as well.

Anyways I didnt watch it yet. The transformation looked nice.

Light D Lamperouge

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@Light D Lamperouge Congrats. Hope you will convince the Grandadmin to add it.
Lmao. We'll see. I don't need it, it's fun for a little banter imo, but some could have a problem with it being constantly used, so I'd rather not.
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