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Chapter title: ” The secrets of Wano"
- Robin and Sukiyaki talk about Pluton and the ancient history. They’re the only ones who can understand the ancient language.
- Sukiyaki will teach it to Momo
- Zoro meets Robin and Sukiyaki because he got lost
- Zoro and Sukiyaki talk about Enma and the Kitetsu's
- Zoro has a theory about the black blades and asks Sukiyaki a question
- Sukiyaki gets pierced from behind by Greenbull
- Greenbull: "I finally found you Nice Robin.."
- Zoro: "An Admiral… and he has a black blade?!"

No break
as much as i like this.. this ain't gonna happen


Talent is something you make bloom.
Fun fact:- I started watching anime with death note but I never watched it more than 2 episodes
No need to.
It's just about some incel kid who thinks he's hot shit for becoming a mass murderer sociopath and is hard carried by a bunch of coincidences and deus ex machinas and still loses in the end because he's actually dumb as fuck.


No need to.
It's just about some incel kid who thinks he's hot shit for becoming a mass murderer sociopath and is hard carried by a bunch of coincidences and deus ex machinas and still loses in the end because he's actually dumb as fuck.
I actually liked the MC. Showing his good and toxic sides. and it's always sides which becomes permanent like real life.
Unlike other mc who are embodiment of GOod.

Gorosei Informer

I forgot to mention the cover story:

Urouge meets Germa 66
"I can’t fuck Big Mom's daughters because I’m their daddy but I can fuck you Reiju"
Sanji: "I sense a disturbance in the force, like my sister is getting her cheeks clapped louder than the Drums of Liberation. Kinda
reminds me of the disturbance I felt when she pissed in Luffy's mouth to save him from that poisonous fish! Maybe Smoothie chwan will do the same for me?!"
No need to.
It's just about some incel kid who thinks he's hot shit for becoming a mass murderer sociopath and is hard carried by a bunch of coincidences and deus ex machinas and still loses in the end because he's actually dumb as fuck.
an oversimplification but true nonetheless

its one of this anime that don't intrigue you much but you choose to continue until relevant or intriguing concepts and plots show up


Talent is something you make bloom.
Motherfucker had some magical notebook that left no trace whatsoever and still managed to almost get caught.
Only escaped because, after being established that a shinigami falling in love for a woman is a rare thing, not once, but TWICE it happens and both shinigamis fall in love with a completely damaged and vulnerable girl who, WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT, is completely and unhealthy obsessed with Kira, and then the Shinigami basically checkmates the entire plot when he/she whatever promises to kill L.

L played a completely rigged game with everything in Light's favor, and Light still needed the Shinigami to do the thing for him.
And then lost to poor man's L later on.
Get rekt, scrub.
Petition to rename here to the pissing room. Also a poll asking if you would let your sister urinate in your mouth to save your life.
#nocontext #waitthisisntahentaiplot?!
NO FRIGGIN WAYYYYY.. i rather die bruh

CPR at most or even mouth to mouth which is understandable but in a desperate situation i don't wanna die choking on urine which begs the question.. how did the guy survive that ordeal
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