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Motherfucker had some magical notebook that left no trace whatsoever and still managed to almost get caught.
Only escaped because, after being established that a shinigami falling in love for a woman is a rare thing, not once, but TWICE it happens and both shinigamis fall in love with a completely damaged and vulnerable girl who, WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT, is completely and unhealthy obsessed with Kira, and then the Shinigami basically checkmates the entire plot when he/she whatever promises to kill L.

L played a completely rigged game with everything in Light's favor, and Light still needed the Shinigami to do the thing for him.
And then lost to poor man's L later on.
Get rekt, scrub.
true that you can see that the show kinda lost its shine after L died.. what a chad he was.. and honestly SADD just to be replaced by others "like" him


Talent is something you make bloom.
true that you can see that the show kinda lost its shine after L died.. what a chad he was.. and honestly SADD just to be replaced by others "like" him
I don't partake on the "after L dies, show becomes trash" hot take.
I actually enjoy Meelo and Near quite a lot.
And I love the fact that most of the squad don't trust Light. Only Matsuda is the dumb fuck who didn't put together that Light was Kira and it was just a matter of proving it.
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