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Talent is something you make bloom.
I'm glad you were able to confirm it

That body swap part in punk hazard part is the coup de grace I'm talkin about with my friend
My friend already really dislikes Sanji's gag to the point where he's disappointed in him in his regular heart eyes mode "this is what you're reduced to" is what he usually says. The fight with Mr. 2 was basically ruined for him because of his deal with not attackin a lady.

I am morbidly curious on how he'll react since as you said it's an extremely out-of-character perv moment for Sanji and a bit of a outlier weird moment in general for the series.
If he truly despises the "pervert gag", there really isn't much else to do.
TB should already be the last straw, if you know what I mean. No need for him to reach post-TS for that :P

Pot Goblin

If he truly despises the "pervert gag", there really isn't much else to do.
TB should already be the last straw, if you know what I mean. No need for him to reach post-TS for that :P
I actually don't it's been a while since I read through thriller bark in it's entirety, usually I skim through it.

Though it is sad to see him dislike one of the Straw Hats like that, especially the slow decent from really liking the character and having his joining arc be the best out of the others to what will eventually happen to the future where he simply says "I hate Sanji"

Hell it might not even be Thriller Bark, it might be when he loses to Kalifa.


Talent is something you make bloom.
I actually don't it's been a while since I read through thriller bark in it's entirety, usually I skim through it.

Though it is sad to see him dislike one of the Straw Hats like that, especially the slow decent from really liking the character and having his joining arc be the best out of the others to what will eventually happen to the future where he simply says "I hate Sanji"

Hell it might not even be Thriller Bark, it might be when he loses to Kalifa.
When Sanji confronts Absalom about the Invisibility fruit.

But as I've said, there isn't much to do. Dude doesn't like the trope, he doesn't like the trope. It's a bad trope and Oda is terrible at using it.

Which is funny, because the funniest manga I've ever read is Grand Blue, and the story is basically a giant pervert gag story.
Which makes me believe that the problems usually is with the author, not the trope itself.
For example, I hate Meliodas with a passion because he's basically a PH Sanji from the start.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
1056: One Hell of a Party

Gorosei discuss Shanks, Yamato, and other stuff
Big party. Nami gives a Happiness Punch to the Samurai, then charges them all
Bink's Sake is played
Zoro disappears
Kid tries to chase Shanks, but sees other ships on the horizon
Marine force heading to Wano
Blackbeard is in the chapter
Some Shichibukai/Warlord details
Party gets attacked
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