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Gorosei Informer

Prove me wrong, I'm an open minded person. Show me the reason why people love Mihawk outside of Zoro.
I can't speak for others but here are mine:

Big Black Blades terrify them too much, this is how they deal with it.

But seriously, a completely classy, mature, disciplined, honourable, badass, respectable etc character is getting disrespected, insulted, downplayed etc this much, makes you wonder doesn't it?
At least Mihawk ain't a cowardly deadbeat dad either (so far anyway).
He at least adopted Perona and told her to be careful when she left to try and find Moria.
Better than Shanks' crew already.
Exactly lmao, I was gonna bring them up. He acted like a pseudo father to her and Zoro. The cover pages showed he has a gentler side too, with him loving farming at least and the Perona novel at least, show he really cares about Perona too.
Also coveniently the reasons Doggo gave here for the most part at least:

He looks pretty dope.
With the Dracula-esque design and big cross sword.
And his boat is a vampire coffin.
And he humiliated Zoro with a butter knife.
Shit, I made it about Zoro. I lost.
Mihawk is elegant, refined, cool, badass, epic, extremely strong, mysterious, stoic etc. I really like characters like that. I'm also enjoying the potential vampire themes he has, the definitely Van Helsing/vampire influences he has on his character anyway.

I can genuinely see Mihawk saying and acting like this too but less "hammy" and more deadpan ofc lol:

There's also the fact hes loosely inspired by the Zorro of course and thus our Zoro is too obviously:

I just wish Oda would stop blue balling us on Mihawk and really lets see his character go all out and learn so much about him and not get a rushed/speed run flashback like Kaido but at this rate, it might be the best we get. At least Kaido got extreme wank as a fighter, ironically like Zoro did this arc too but Oda has really wasted Zoro and Mihawk as actual characters post TS too, especially in this arc and especially for Mihawk in general too and its frustrating.
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Talent is something you make bloom.
I am being 100% serious

luffy got knocked out a couple times and powered up through each one. it just felt dragged out after the last one and stakes just went below 0 for me after the last one where he died for half a chapter.
I loved the team fight and I personally believed if they all stayed together oda wont go through so many heaps to get luffy to take him down alone.

contrary to what people complain about
theres narrative reason for the scabbards to fight and beat kaido and not be on the sidelines. there was more emotion attached in every attack , felt more real, and it felt like something they deserved.
they are the ones that watched their friend executed, they watched their country put to shit for over 20 yrs, why shouldnt they contribute heavily to his defeat. its the same way I would have loved law to take down doffy .

and yeah I loved oden's character.
Yeah, but in the end, Kaido said they were weak and didn't even compare to Oden, and then completely shit on them.
After all the horror, the struggle, the sacrifices, in the end they needed Mr "I dont wanna be a hero" Hero to save them.

Feels like Tashigi all over again. Oda just completely clowned her in PH multiple times, humiliated her, been rubbing in her face that she's just a weakling and pathetic swordsman that can't do shit, despite she having an initial interesting dynamic with Zoro and saying she has a dream of retrieving all meito from pirates or whatever.
It's a beautiful story with 0 pay off.
I could get behind it if One Piece was a bitter sweet story, but, in reality, it's just Luffy's show, so these "side characters" can't have their moment.
Iirc, the only one who got something was Kyros defeating Diamante (which, in honesty, should have been Rebecca, who, from a gladiator, became a retarded crying baby).
Ok. Maybe Wyper got something as well. Beat Shura and almost defeated Enel.

Gorosei Informer

If I had a nickel for every mythical human fruit that is better than Chopper's human fruit, I would have 3 nickels.
Which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened three times.
Lmao right?! Ironically Chopper was the first Zoan awakening we might have seen too! Also still the best use of a non mythical Zoan in general at least too!

I still believe he's actually a Wendigo Zoan or something, an unrevealed Mythical Zoan for whatever stupid reason.
Prove me wrong, I'm an open minded person. Show me the reason why people love Mihawk outside of Zoro.
I cant speak for everyone

I can only speak for myself
I for one am happy theres a really strong character in the story perfectly comfortable with having someone who he thinks will be capable of challenging his status in the future and is perfectly comfortable in allowing them to grow to be able to do that.
regardless of whether that person is zoro or not.

oda made him the strongest swordsman and he has barely got the chance to show why, that in itself just build up a ton of mystery and excitement for what I think he can possibly show in the future. its the same way I was excited for garp, for BB end of the story , for akainu etc

am not going to argue he isnt a fan favorite because of an mc in the same vein shanks is cause of luffy but yeah but yeah I like him without having that weird attachment to one of the main characters. again not everyone sucks off the strawhats.
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