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One piece chapter 1056
Title:-"First step"
-kidd asks remaining tobi roppo to join him
-buggy is with weevil, mihawk, crocodile and thousands of pirates.
-Blackbeard attacked impel down, it is his new territory
-Robin takes print of road ponegliff
-end of the chapter caribou and jinbe's toast
Break next week
oda really missed tho in not killing enough scabbards
kinemon should have died here

that would have been something

and then staying alive to reunite with his wife which we barely go to see anyway( we got some throw away panel i guess). I can never get my mind around that.
At least never write bullshit scenarios if you can't bring yourself to kill a character.

At least 2 CP0 died, and two scabbards, Hawkins too (small chance)

Gorosei Informer

I agree with what Morj said about this.
Oda had two scabbards with great death scenes. Kiku and Kinemon.
Instead he opted to kill Ashura and Izou in the most random and anti-climatic ways possible without extracting enough "emotional substance" from their deaths.

No wonder people thought no one died, especially after that "that cut Law made back in PH didn't glue correctly" BS he pulled.
Exactly, Morj actually preaches facts when he says stuff like this, hes been on fire lately with critiquing Wano but the fanbase keeps attacking him hard elswhere for it lol.
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